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FREE Marketing Webinars to help small businesses Bounce Back hosted by Social Media Marketers

  • Online event to help small businesses bounce back from Covid19

  • Free events, networking, and mastermind with marketing expertsPeterborough, May 18th — From 2-4 June, DowSocial, a Peterborough based social media and marketing consultancy will be hosting a series of 15 FREE marketing webinars to help give small businesses the tools and expertise to bounce back from the negative impacts Covid19.

With 100’s over businesses across the UK already signed up this is a not to be missed event jam-packed with useful advice, insight and practical help and support for businesses ready to bounce-back.The series will feature a range of expert speakers talking about marketing topics including social media, web design, email marketing, event management and marketing strategy.Notable speakers include leading social media software company Sendible, who will be hosting a Q & A around effective ways to plan and schedule social media. There will be a charity networking event where business owners can network via Zoom and proceeds from the small attendance fee goes to charity.The final event will be a marketing mastermind where business owners can share their challenges and get feedback and advice from peers and industry experts

Kristian Downer, Director of DowSocial said of this event: “Knowing how to market in a time efficient and cost effective way is more important than ever. We have designed these events to give small business owners the tools they need to survive and thrive in difficult market conditions”

To view the full schedule and to secure your place please visit: –


For more information:

Name: Kristian Downer
Position: Managing Director
Contact Details: kris@dowsocial.com 07747116155

About the Company. DowSocial is a Peterborough based social media marketing company providing marketing training and support across the UK and beyond. Lead trainer Kristian Downer is a Facebook accredited #shemeansbusiness trainer

Out of 25 Largest Countries it is now the US and not Italy who have the highest percentage of Coronavirus

New models of COVID-19 case data indicate the U.S. has a sharp continual increase of cases overall compared to other countries with similar population density. Of the 25 countries studied, the U.S. leads each country, bringing the U.S. to the forefront of this pandemic since its first confirmed case in January.

While the U.S. accounts for only 4% of the world’s population, the country leads with 34% (1,244,199 as of May 7) of confirmed COVID-19 cases and a 28% (78,844 as of May 7) death rate. Case-by-case studies indicate that 0.37% of Americans have been infected by the virus, this is a .02% increase from Italy, the third highest country of confirmed COVID-19 cases globally.

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. has also recorded higher weekly flu deaths than 2019. Experts and data suggest the flu season, beginning in December and lasting up to May, peaked in mid-March this year. Total deaths in 2020 by Week 16 was 7,540 compared to 5,991 deaths in 2019 Week 16.

The characteristics of COVID-19 and the seasonal flu are similar with the primary difference of the incubation period. The seasonal flu incubation period is three days, while COVID-19 incubation period is five to six days. Contagion risk is increasingly higher during these timeframes, as most are asymptomatic, making COVID-19 more contagious.

Community spread accounts for the primary attribute of the U.S. high confirmed case count. Hotspot areas including New York and California continue lockdown, contact tracing and social-distancing efforts to control spread. Knowing the symptoms assist in stopping disease spread and protect high-risk communities such as immunosuppressed and the elderly.

Facts are more important than ever and there is a lot of misinformation in the world. To help with this issue Dr. Jeremy Bennett, professor at The Citadel, and Carlos Crameri, entrepreneur and CEO of Curious Check, created Facts Not Opinions where the data is not tampered with to reach a predetermined conclusion and does not have a political agenda.

For more information on COVID-19, statistics, and analysis, visit: https://www.factsnotopinions.com. Contact Us to ask a question, provide feedback, or report a problem.

Myron Edwards says its time to get London back on its feet

Stay at home, protect the NHS, save lives.

So here is a series of maps to help


These FREE easy walking maps are designed to help you avoid crowded tubes and buses. Successfully used and endorsed by TFL for congestion at Victoria Station, these Tubewalking maps show you how to get from mainline stations or tube stations using a taxi driver’s knowledge of London streets. They have been featured on TV and Radio and were used for concerts and major events.

Simple easy and effective they help to keep London moving.

Always remember when walking to keep a safe distance.

Download FREE to your mobile pc or tablet.  Maps are also printable.

Stay safe and protect the NHS. Tubewalking 2020




Bobby Blakdout – Who he really is…..

Robert Lindsey known in the Electronic Dance Music industry as “Bobby Blakdout” & known for his freestyles under his Rap/Hip Hop alias “Gucci Savage”. Remember to follow his official Instagram @DayumBobby

Who is Bobby Blakdout? 2

Hailing from New York, DJ/Artist/Producer and Label Founder, Robert Lindsey, known in the music industry as Bobby Blakdout or Gucci Savage moved with his family to Florida at a young age.

Not long after he was being ranked the “#1 Dubstep DJ Globally” on Reverbnation.com in 2015 and 2016 while also hitting the Dubstep and EDM Top Charts on Soundcloud and bringing artists like Boogie T, IKAX, Soundwave and under his wing.

His music can be heard on the radio as well as a variety of online publications and all major streaming platforms.


Bobby Blakdout aka Gucci Savage aka Robert Lindsey has done 100’s of millions of streams across multiple streaming platforms independently with his self produced album “It’s Gucci Savage Baaaby” hitting over 5 MILLION STREAMS and counting ON SPOTIFY ALONE!

For more information visit BobbyBlakdout.com

Follow Bobby Blakdout – BobbyBlakdout.com

Follow Gucci Savage – GucciSavage.com

Follow the Label, Blak’d Out – BlakdOut.com

Source Cited:

Health and Beauty innovator Glo releases online service to boost home workers mental health

Nationwide, mobile health and beauty company Glo Pamper releases new online services to help support wellbeing and mental health of home-workers

May 2020 – Glo Pamper has launched a selection of webinars, online classes and tutorials specifically for employees working from home. The online yoga and pilates classes are adapted versions of the traditional face-to-face classes that Glo offers, whilst the Webinars: Mindfulness / Nutrition/ Building Resilience at times of Stress and Home Working are workshops that have been to specifically address issues that home-workers are currently experiencing, with a focus on building resilience, alleviating stress and boosting positivity and immunity. With mental health a key focus for the Glo team and in preparation for the UK’s Mental Health Awareness Week from 18th – 24th May 2020, Glo has also released a selection of fun and educational tutorials ranging from self- massage, makeup and manicure tutorials to creating your own beauty product and how to make healthy snack tutorials all of which enable workers to learn new skills which can also benefit their wellbeing and mental health.

With millions of home workers feeling the pressure of the new normal along with the restrictions on social interaction, glo has switched to providing services online. These services enable staff to feel supported by their employers, provides work opportunities for teachers and trainers whose businesses have been affected and helps to keep glo afloat during this time of lockdown. offers Glo some much-needed income until they can resume their other services.

Kelly Skipper, Director at Glo, explains why it was important for a small female-run business to pivot quickly and offer online alternatives:

“The current Covid-19 epidemic affects each and every one of us on many different levels, but one common ground is that everyone is under an immense amount of pressure, whether it is juggling work with home schooling, financial pressures or feeling isolated and anxious and whilst we are unable to offer treatments and services which would normally help them at a time like this, it felt like a natural fit to move as many of our services as we can online whilst also supporting our clients and their home workers. With Mental Health Awareness Week on the horizon we are hopeful that companies will be looking to invest in the health and wellbeing of their team and that our webinars and tutorials provide an educational and engaging solution for them”

Royal College of Radiologists, a Glo client, are currently providing online yoga classes for their workforce and said the following:

“We use Glo to provide yoga classes in our office on a regular basis, but as most of our staff are currently working from home Glo have been able to provide us with online yoga instead. The ability for staff to be able to continue with their yoga practise whilst in their homes and at the same time assist in reducing stress and improving their wellbeing, has been an important for us during the coronavirus pandemic and we wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Kelly and her team at Glo.”

Phoebe – HR Officer

Glo Pamper is a nationwide company that have been operating for over 13 years. They provide professional mobile therapists, teachers and stylists for pamper parties, corporate events and for accommodations along with wellbeing services for companies.

If you are interested learning more about the webinars/tutorials, would like to review/experience one or are interested in offering a webinar or tutorial as a prize, please get in touch:

For more information, please contact:

Kelly Skipper at 020 7096 0385 / Kelly@glo-pamper.co.uk

Website: www.glo-pamper.co.uk

Facebook / Instagram / Twitter: @Glopamper

Plumbing and Heating company in Essex continues to operate through Covid 19

Since the 23rd March the country has been on lock down, but some business are still operating and putting there clients needs 1st  regardless of the safety issues their engineers maybe encountering.

Into Plumbing and Heating are one of these such companies operating in Essex. They have continued to keep Essex residents with Heating, Hot water and dealing with any Plumbing issues they may have.  With out companies like this some people would of found it difficult possibly having no ways to get clean water if a leak presents it self and the only way to stop is to turn the mains stop cock of leaving them with nothing.

Owner Darren Dimmick made the comment stating ” we have tried to deal with every emergency and every job that has come in, to ensure the residents of Essex can continue their isolation knowing their plumbing and heating is in good hands”.

Dealing with Emergencies 24/7, Into Plumbing and Heating will continue to provide their full portfolio of services for as long as their employees are willing to continue to work.  Supplied with full PPE including Masks and Gloves to ensure not only their own health is protected but the clients are also protected.

For more information on the services the offer please visit www.intoplumbingnadheating.co.uk

Please like us on Facebook https://m.facebook.com/IntoPlumbingandheating/

Tech Company Develops App in Record Time That Saves 1000’s of Call Centre Jobs Around the World

Primo Dialler has quickly developed a mobile app to help call centres around the world to work remotely.

With the lockdown in place, many call centres wondered how they could continue to operate without going into the office. Moving equipment or supplying new equipment seemed to be a complex and costly solution.

A UK based tech company called Primo Dialler quickly jumped to the rescue by adapting their software to be mobile friendly and releasing an Android App. This allows agents to access the call centre software by simply using their mobile phone.

“Many call centres operate in offices around the world, very few of them work remotely. All of a sudden these offices were forced to close, leaving many unable to operate and pay staff. We needed to act quickly to find a resolution which could help the industry and save jobs.” Said Abdul Kawsar Head of Sales.

He continued “We raised the issues with our in house development team who worked together to firstly adapt our software to work on a mobile device and then launch our very first app on the Google Play store.”

The first development which allowed agents to access their devices using a browser on an Android device was released within a week of lockdown. Closely followed by iOS compatibility and most recently a full Android App.

Instead of requiring a computer or laptop and a headset, using can simply login with their Primo Dialler credentials and are able to access their usual agent capabilities.

“With the majority of call centres running traditional office-based centres, we knew we had to act quickly to adapt our offering to help out. Keeping businesses going is helping the economy during this difficult period. As there is no current end in sight, it’s important to help as many businesses as we can.” Commented Mohammed Mashadi Head of Strategy.

About Primo Dialler

Based in the UK, Primo Dialler offers advanced call centre solutions to companies around the world. For more information visit primodialler.com

Is Crowdfunding the way forward for small businesses to survive

Banjaraa owner Ajay Sabharwal, famous for his orange horsebox at local events has been forced to close his business during the lockdown. Along with many other event & outside catering businesses, it is heartbreaking to see all the hard work and determination put into their business to be forced to close overnight and many of their summer events cancelled.

Banjaraa now in its second full year of business was set to have the best year yet, fully booked throughout summer. Events included Burghley fine food markets, St Botolph’s on the green, Baston car show, Bourne festival, Langtoft music festival, Rockingham festival, Oundle food festival, Cambridge festival and private bookings for weddings and corporate events.

Ajay spent many hours researching the Crowdfunding initiative and whether it could work for his business to get him through the lockdown and help towards keeping the company afloat. Crowdfunder is creating a new way of working for companies with 100% free crowdfunding during the coronavirus crisis as a part of their #payitforward campaign.

Ajay’s solution is to offer great rewards that people can use in the future, including fantastic offers on Banjaraa’s fat boy Indian wraps by rewarding people with savings on the regular price.

Ajay has also come up with a reward which can be used during this lockdown period where he will teach you how to make the perfect masala. There are some great options for prospective private and corporate clients too. Once this is all over, the corporates might want to thank their employees or customers. This is where Banjaraa can step in – bringing their horsebox to the workplace and serving awesome wraps and rice boxes.

Ajay said: “2020 was set to be our biggest year yet. We were fully booked across multiple events throughout the summer and had begun to scout locations for our new permanent base, the Banjaraa deli. The rapid spread and subsequent lockdown due to this crisis have decimated our income stream, and it’s just been heartbreaking! We are not looking for charity, but assistance to get us through this uncertain and difficult period. As soon as we are fully operational, we will share with you how we intend to pay forward the kindness we’ve received. This is going to be something extra from us and will involve food.”

So far, Banjaraa has had a great start with over 20% of the target already achieved on day one from his local fans and friends. May be crowdfunding with giving rewards is one of the solutions for small businesses who cannot get help exactly when it is needed and who have slipped through the support available.

Whichever reward people choose will directly contribute to Banjaraa weathering this storm. If people can help in purchasing rewards, this will help Ajay sustain Banjaraa over this period. There is no expiry date on the rewards Banjaraa will be paid forward.



Wiggly-Worm-May for bored kids (big and small) and stressed-out parents!

Is the Wiggliest-Worm living in your compost bin?

As we head into another month of lock-down with parents home-schooling, home-cooking and home-entertaining – and the weather taking a turn for its seasonal-rainy-norm… Garantia UK are launching a weekly ‘feel-good’ competition during the month of May to get small kids (and big kids) out into the garden and composting their left-overs, to give the Wiggly-Worms out there a real treat!

With most councils now charging for food and garden waste collection, households – with their finances already stretched – will have to resort to dealing with the scraps and off-cuts themselves. What better way to do this than by composting!

Can you and your children find the Wiggliest-Worms and take a short video?

The Royal Horticultural Society says website views on ‘how to compost’ are up nearly 500 percent and there has been a surge in the purchase of composting bins and materials, which is why Garantia is launching a Wiggly-May, Wiggly-Worm competition, giving away weekly prizes for the Wiggliest-videos sent in during each week.

Record your wiggliest worm, upload the video to share it with us on Garantia’s social sites, and be in with a chance to win £100 worth of vouchers every Friday throughout May 2020!

People of the UK are composting more of their garden waste than ever before. It’s great for the environment and great for our Wiggly-Worm friends! Give your children something to focus on in the rain (in between homeschooling lessons of course!). Find those Wiggly-Worms and share them with us.

It’s a great opportunity to teach your children about the benefits of garden worms. Worms play an important role in the recycling of organic waste. They help to turn food and garden waste into the soil that is full of nutrients, which is great for your plants.

Get involved today! Get your phone out, get your raincoat on, get out in your garden, and go find some Wiggly-Worms. Shoot a quick video, upload it to your favorite social media platform, tag @GarantiaUK and be sure to mention #WigglyMay for your chance to win £100 voucher to spend on your garden. Someone will win a voucher every Friday throughout May 2020.

Here is the launch video: https://bit.ly/WigglyWormsMay

About Garantia UK: Garantia is a manufacturer of garden composters, water-butts, growing tunnels, raised beds, and garden sundries, all made from recycled plastic. Garantia is dedicated to tackling global warming by using recycled plastic in all products where possible. Throughout the lockdown, Garantia UK is providing a 3-5 day, direct to garden delivery service.

Go to: www.garantiauk.co.uk to find guidance on how to compost materials and get the Wiggliest-Worms in your composting stack.

‘Garantia UK is a trading division of Graf UK Ltd’

The Holy Temple Of Knowledge Of Ra Reveals The Golden Age Of Leo Dawning With The Vernal Equinox Sun

Rasta-u izsu paa amentet shil Atum-Rwty.-Temple Of Knowledge Of Ra

Sphinx was associated in ancient texts with a god having the strange name “Rwty,” which it turns out is really “rw-ty,” meaning “two lions”.-Dale Huffman

According to the temple in the time of 10,800 B.C.E. the golden age of  Leo began. On December 21st, 2012 the planet Earth rose out of the age of Pisces, and entered the age of Leo.

On the spring equinox of 2018 the celestial lion, and the sphinx rose with the eastern horizon.

The temple revealed that the highest Egyptian feline creator Atum as a lion deity represents strength, courage, power, and rulership. He was the first of the blue beings of the deities of Nun.

The temple calls Atum the holy spirit lifeforce of the Nun, the essence of all light Re or Ra, and the manifester of all forms of matter Asar-Osiris.

The high priest proclaims Atum is the Lion Of huda, Yehuda, Yahudi, or Yahuda.

You have your bread-loaf, O Atum, and Double-Lion!-Pyramid Texts Unas

The holy temple reveals that Nasa has logged a rare ring of fire eclipse, and galactic alignment over Egypt to usher in the new age of Leo on June 21st 2020.

Facebook-Atum Lion Of Yahuda

Kemetian Photos

Lion Of Yahuda Short Video Documentary

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