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New Frontiers: Augmented Reality and the Hospitality Industry

It’s proving increasingly difficult to find an area of our daily lives that technology hasn’t enhance in some way shape or form. Intelligent, innovative solutions are making us all more efficient as we go about our day-to-day lives. Everything from dining out to staying in hotels has been brought in line with the digital age — especially as businesses incorporate new methods following the Covid-19 pandemic. Augmented reality is one of the top emerging tools being used within the hospitality sector. From speeding up check in desks to providing guests with control over the ambience of their rooms, we’re going to take a look at some of the top ways that these technologies are being implemented into the industry.

Adding new dimensions with AR

Augmented reality, known as AR, uses technology to alter a person’s perception of their surroundings. It offers a simulated virtual environment for a person to interact with. It can be applied to a range of purposes, from entertainment to training facilities, and it can be accessed through devices such as smartphones, headsets, or tablets. With AR, the existing surroundings are still there, but the digital elements it creates add a layer over reality — hence the name! Through AR, environments can become more interactive, providing the user with a new perspective. So, how can this be adapted for the hospitality sector?

Interact with your room

AR has become commonplace in hotel rooms, serving guests by enhancing their stay and giving them an element of personalisation. Nowadays, customers are attracted to the concept of an experience, and the idea of any kind of unique element contributes to this. In this way, AR can be used to make rooms more interactive, which will add value to the guest’s stay. Providing maps which facilitate AR technologies is a popular approach, and when a smartphone is pointed at areas on the map AR generates a range of helpful visual content. This added convenience is what distinguishes a stay as an ‘experience’, by providing customers with a handy solution making their stay better overall.

Entertainment source

Gamification has a huge scope for application within the hospitality sector. It has become a phenomena of sorts in the wider world, with successes such as GeoCaching and Pokémon Go sweeping across the nation sending participants on augmented missions and treasure hunts. AR has become one of the most accessible, portable applications for gamification, and all a user needs to get started is a smartphone.

As an entertainment platform, AR can be used anywhere with an enabled device. There’s no end to the visual creations which can be generated — from creating simulations of global landmarks to depictions of celebrities, the possibilities are endless! AR based apps could even allow guests to redecorate rooms, allowing you to tailor your stay to your décor preferences, demonstrating how effective the technology could become for allowing guests to have more say over their stay.

Take a tour the smart way

While the booking process has moved online, we could be anticipating a further shift towards AR based booking systems. While 360 degree tours such as the Coniston Inn’s virtual tour for their accommodation are already popular with guests, this service could become even more thorough. The technology can add real time dates and information to provide guests with a better idea of room availability, the facilities available, and any events happening in the location of the hotel. By providing these extra details, guests can book a trip that suits their requirements. Information such as transport links could also feature on these AR tours, giving guests a genuine perspective of how they’ll get around the area during their stay. Whether you’re visiting the hustle and bustle of London, or if you’re simply looking for some traditional pubs in the countryside, an AR tour could give you a first-hand perspective through some creative digital elements.

The hospitality industry looks set to embrace all of these advances, in order to captivate the imagination of an ever-modernising audience!

The value of sustainability For Fashion

There are many reasons why people choose to invest in high-quality, long-lasting garments, but regardless of this, the fast fashion industry has grown exponentially over recent years. Before the COVID-19 pandemic swept the world, it was easier than ever to buy a £1 bikini form a high street store, or order clothes online that had been crafted using cheap, man-made fibre and exploitative labour. However, many major fast-fashion brands rely on worldwide supply chains and therefore the global pandemic, paired with changing attitudes towards fast-fashion, are likely to spell disaster for the industry.

So, what’s the alternative? Sustainable fashion that champions quality over quantity is already seeing a resurgence, and thanks to economic factors, environmental fears, and human rights activism, high-quality heritage brands are likely to define to future of fashion. Let’s take a closer look at where fast fashion made some wrong turns, and why sustainable and high-quality garments are more important than ever.

The effect of COVID-19

Not only has the COVID-19 outbreak had a major economic impact on fast fashion outlets, but it has resulted in a change in popular opinions surrounding some well-known brands. Many fast fashion retailers chose to keep their outlets open for the majority of march despite clearly fitting into the ‘non-essential’ category. A great number of these brands have also faced criticism surrounding the treatment of their employees who are now facing mass lay-offs.

Naturally, the economic fallout that will inevitably follow this crisis will affect all fashion outlets, big and small, cheap and luxury. However, if we refer back to the outcomes of the 2008 financial crash, we have reason to believe that high-quality fashion brands and luxury goods will bounce back more quickly than fast fashion will. According to Vogue Business, “The economic downturn of 2008-2009 shaved 9 per cent off the value of the luxury goods market, although it recovered quickly.” And this recovery will be key during the months and years following the global pandemic we are living through now.

Environmental Impacts

The fast fashion industry is currently one of the biggest contributors to the climate crisis. Due to global supply chains, inadequate recycling systems, and throw-away culture, the industry makes up a shocking ten percent of global CO2 emissions.

What’s more, these garments that require so much energy to create and ship are likely only worn a few times. In fact, the average item in the UK only is only worn 14 times before being discarded, a figure that motivate GLAMOUR magazine to introduce their ’30 wears challenge’ last year.

From excessive plastic packaging, to returned items heading straight to landfill, there are countless environmental issues with the world of fast fashion. This leaves us turning to the alternative: quality garments and ethically sourced clothing.

Why quality is key

From locally sourced materials to sustainable supply chains, high quality fashion houses are thriving. Brands such as Walker Slater, a traditional heritage fashion house specialising in Harris tweed jackets and waistcoats, are now proving that quality garments will always demand respect and deliver customer satisfaction. Such companies have built up customer loyalty over years and shoppers will stick with them through thick and thin, rather than opting for a high street brand. High quality brands champion the importance of buying clothes for life instead of just singular events, combatting throw-away culture and striving to put an end to the mounting piles of clothes ending up in landfill.

“The Covid-19 crisis has highlighted the fact that sustainability is key and must be inherent in everything we do. Working with high-quality, locally sourced fabric, such as wool, allows clothing retailers to continue offering durable pieces during this difficult time, rather than facing the problems of disrupted worldwide supply chains. We offer clothing that our customers want to wear season after season. A true measure of sustainability.”

 – Paul Walker, Co-Founder of Walker Slater

In addition, sustainable companies take each stage of production into account, minimising their environmental impact at every opportunity. When analysing a brand’s sustainability, check that they use locally sourced, sustainable fabrics, such as wool, tweed, and sustainably sourced linen. Wool is especially sustainable, as it is a 100 per cent natural fibre that is also renewable and biodegradable. In addition, wool is a natural insulator and a breathable fabric. Because of this, wool garments are versatile and you can get some good wear out of them no matter the season — forget the concept of a ‘summer wardrobe’ and a ‘winter wardrobe’, instead, opt for high-quality, multi-climate fabrics that you can wear all year round.

What’s more, local supply chains are of vital importance when it comes to sustainably. Make sure your new item hasn’t racked up too many air miles before it reaches your wardrobe!

High quality companies are also likely to take more care in making their production lines eco-friendly. Walker Slater, for example, pride themselves in using LED lighting in all locations alongside centralised recycling of paper and packaging, glass and plastics. A number of their main manufacturers also use solar energy to power their factories. They also work to support other sustainable mills and knitwear companies.

Choosing quality pieces over hoards of fast fashion items, that will likely fall apart within years of their purchase, will benefit both the environment and your wardrobe. What’s more, it is important to support such ethical business get back on their feet after the coronavirus pandemic so that they can continue doing their part for the environment. Investment pieces may be more expensive in the short term, but they will serve you well for years to come proving themselves to be a worthy investment.

Worthily Films highlight Mental Health issues in its upcoming film Waiting for Time.

Worthily Films

COVID-19 has bought with it uncertainty and disruption across the globe and

According to Mind (a UK mental health charity) Coronavirus (Covid-19) is affecting all our lives. Things are changing fast, and many of us are worrying about what it all means for ourselves and for our loved ones. Those of us already living with mental health problems are facing extra challenges too.

Waiting for Time by Worthily Films is a short film directed by The Bashford Twins, starring Ariyon Bakare and Jade Harrison and written by Paul Chronnell. Waiting For Time highlights the theme of men’s mental Health, a subject, which may resonate with many, chiefly after living in seclusion for so many weeks.

As a newly formed creative company, Worthily Films wishes to tell stories with numerous layers and complexities, while inciting significant discussion. Waiting for Time is not a film about self-destruction, it brings light and a message of hope.

David Sessions the behind the scenes photographer on WAITING FOR TIME by Worthily Films talks about what pulled in him to the undertaking. “I feel emphatically about stories that address emotional well-being. Experiencing childhood in South Africa, in a culture that can be particularly conformist in their viewpoints, I felt there was an essential… Young men don’t cry mindset. As a gay man, I thought that it was troublesome living in a general public, which here and there has truly dated opinions on the progressive world. WAITING FOR TIME’s subject of psychological well-being is incredible. The story has a noteworthy meaning, which is why I needed to be part of the project. It discusses the need to grant your truth and express your sentiments instead of limiting them inside” David Sessions

For the Bashford Twins, WAITING FOR TIME by Worthily Films has a potent story to tell about men’s psychological well-being. “We read the script a couple of years back and cherished the idea. WAITING FOR TIME manages men’s psychological wellness and the battles Heath’s experiences. This was a main purpose behind bringing this story to the screen. There are stories in the media where the self-destruction of men has risen significantly, and it should be spoken about more frequently to educate and support the individuals who to require it” Bashford Twins.

Learn How Did Shakespeare Get into Acting?

The Life Of An Elizabethan Actor 

The acting ‘calling’ is one of the most established. We allude to it as a calling nowadays however paid entertainers are people who practice exchange and they’ve generally worked close by other tradespeople. Those working in theater, TV, and film in our time have a high status yet in Shakespeare’s time, even the authors were tradesmen – ‘writers’, creators of plays in a similar sense as ‘wheelwrights,’ producers of wheels, were. 

The life of an entertainer hasn’t changed a lot. A portion of our entertainers are well known, regularly because they stand out because of the movies they act in, and on the off chance that they become famous the survey open shows enthusiasm for them as individuals. Thus, on-screen characters like Brad Pitt and Meryl Streep are continually in the news, with pictures of them showed in magazines and papers. Those entertainers become rich. The remainder of the tremendous armed force of on-screen characters shift from poor to serenely off, and numerous entertainers invest the vast majority of their energy searching for business and need to take on brief work as servers, bar staff, etc while searching for acting work. 

Elizabethan’s on-screen characters were not different. Some of them got renowned and rich. Their riches didn’t originate from installment for exhibitions, however, yet from purchasing partakes in the theater they worked in. The two generally popular of Shakespeare’s time were Richard Burbage, the main entertainer at the Globe, and Edward Alleyn of the Admiral’s Men. They lived in extravagance and were perceived any place they went, much the same as Brad Pitt and Meryl Streep, and other famous actors. There were different popular Elizabethan on-screen characters yet most entertainers were very little happier than bums. 

On-screen characters had a low societal position and they could be captured and detained to no end more than the allegation of having accomplished something. A large portion of them feared wandering out into the avenues since they were so helpless while, albeit severely paid, the organization that utilized them took care of them, took care of them, and obliged them. The work was hard, however. During Shakespeare’s time watching plays was the principal amusement in London. There were twenty-two venues for a populace of around twenty thousand, and the venues were full each day. The venues were in dangerous rivalry with one

another and the crowds expected new plays each day. The entertainers needed to acquaint themselves with new parts, everyone playing up to four or five jobs in a solitary play. The plays were acted in the evenings and regularly there was just the morning to get ready for the exhibition. The on-screen characters needed to become familiar with their lines rapidly and when there was no ideal opportunity to set they up needed to follow the headings of the brief who read all the lines, with the entertainers rehashing them. Current crowds wouldn’t endure that yet such exhibitions were basic in Shakespeare’s time. 

’It’s weird to believe that on-screen characters were famous on the stage however practically spat on outside the theater. Well known as it might have been, acting wasn’t viewed as a decent exchange. It was viewed as an exchange completed by rebels, drifters, and poor people. The youthful William Shakespeare, child of one of the urban dads of Stratford, left his home, went to London, and joined that band. As we probably are aware, he transcended every other person by perceiving rapidly that new plays were inconsistent interest. He set about keeping in touch with them at extraordinary speed and kept them coming. He went into an organization with others and turned out to be the part proprietor of theaters. At the point when he passed on he was a rich and popular man, however, his riches and distinction didn’t originate from whatever aptitudes and ability he may have had as an entertainer. In any case, acting was a decent path into the profession that made him undying. 

How Shakespeare got snared on theatre 

William Shakespeare was nine years of age when the primary auditorium in England was opened. The possibility of a devoted structure for the presentation of plays was imagined as late as 1576, when James Burbage, the dad of Shakespeare’s future acting partner, Richard Burbage, assembled a performance center in Shoreditch, London, which he called ‘The Theater.’ 

Nowadays theaters are exceptionally normal, and there is not a town on the planet that doesn’t have at any rate one theater. Indeed, even nations governed by the most oppressive systems have theaters in their towns. They run from little, changed over private cabins in bars, through outside settings, to tremendous fields where incredible events can be arranged. We have all gone to in any event one, regardless of whether it’s in our nearby neighborhood, run by anovice show club or one of our town’s set up theaters. Maybe we’ve even appreciated something like a gig at Wembley Arena. 

At the point when Shakespeare was a youngster, he would have gone to exhibitions by the voyaging players who meandered around, pulling in crowds, acting in manors, the places of affluent benefactors, on carts, in commercial centers and other accessible open spaces. The most well-known scene was the patio of a hotel, where the entire populace of the town or town, paying little heed to class, could appreciate the exhibition. 

To state that the troupes of players just meandered about performing isn’t carefully evident, in any case, since they were dependent upon severe oversight. On-screen characters would in general be free and simple individuals, frequently political protesters with solid perspectives in transit they were being represented, similarly as entertainers are today. Furthermore, writers, as well, have consistently utilized their abilities and the chance of a group of people to broadcast their social perspectives through parody. Showy gatherings thusly must be authorized, and they would lose their permit, best-case scenario, or players may land up in jail, or, best-case scenario, lose their heads if they misbehaved. Rich or very many associated supporters needed to assume liability for the political great conduct of the players. 

Shakespeare’s dad, John Shakespeare, was the main city figure in Stratford – a magistrate and at one phase the chosen chairman – and exhibitions by visiting acting gatherings would have been one of his duties. That obligation by his dad was likely the way to youthful William’s association with the theater and acting – the kid will have gone to a few exhibitions, and he was in a situation to meet and converse with the on-screen characters. We realize that Shakespeare headed out to London to be an on-screen character when he had the open door as a youthful grown-up. Maybe he had held that aspiration all through his adolescence. 

It is realized that one of Shakespeare’s partners, Will Kempe, had been an individual from an acting gathering and we realize that he had acted in Stratford. Almost certainly, Shakespeare knew him and thought of him as a contact when he chose to head out to London. In 1587, two

years after the introduction of his twins, Judith and Hamnet, he set off and we comprehend what occurred after that. All things considered, he got together with Will Kempe because during the next years they turned out to be close partners and, without a doubt, it’s practically sure that Shakespeare made his significant comic jobs given Will Kempe. 

Even though we know nothing legitimately about Shakespeare as a kid experiencing childhood in Stratford, the incidental proof for his contact with the theater and the open door he had, through his dad, and his better than the easygoing experience of the on-screen characters and exhibitions is convincing. 

As I glance around at the best sample Shakespeare acting classes & Workshops NY right now I’m struck by what number of youngsters make that big appearance. Entertainers have overflowed in from around the globe to take an interest in the Shakespeare celebrations. 

It’s intriguing to consider the youngster who came to London one day 400 years back and turned into an on-screen character. For what reason would he need to be an on-screen character? It wasn’t cared for now where it’s very okay for a youngster to have such an aspiration: the acting calling is as decent as some other. In any case, in Elizabethan occasions, on-screen characters were scorned, viewed as the most reduced type of life, classed, alongside rodents, as plague transporters as they went around the nation. So for what reason would this youngster, the child of a Stratford dignitary, wish to downgrade himself so radically? 

Aside from being untouchables they were oppressed by law, regularly captured and detained without preliminary for things they didn’t do just because somebody had blamed them for something. A considerable lot of them had left apprenticeships to join a performance center gathering. When they had done that they had no assurance on the off chance that they were excused, as they had relinquished the security managed by the amazing exchange society they had betrayed. Nowadays, news about Hollywood on-screen characters appears to have practically more out of line excusal cases than everything else as some agreements and conditions and desires ensure entertainers, none of which existed in Shakespeare’s time. 

In 1572, Parliament passed two acts that were wrecking for the acting calling. In the first, the Queen, needing to control the intensity of nearby grandees, denied “the unlawful holding of large numbers of remarkable hirelings by attires, identifications, and different signs and tokens.” The outcome was that many entertainers around the nation were excused. The other demonstration “for the discipline of vagabondes,” took into consideration the capture and detainment of the jobless, including entertainers, frequently on-screen characters who had work however were found meandering about the roads of London. 

There were as yet rich and amazing showy supporters, similar to the Earls of Sussex and Leicester, aristocrats who had the option to acquire imperial consent for their players to act in London. It is plausible this is the way the youthful William Shakespeare entered the scene and had the option to turn into an entertainer and to stroll about the boulevards of London unafraid of capture. 

We have no clue about how Shakespeare turned into an entertainer. We have his plays and consider him most importantly as an essayist: we have no data about his acting life yet he would have viewed himself as first as an on-screen character, acting work being the bread and butter of his profession.

Worthily Films – Waiting For Time Interview

Worthily Films

Worthily Films a new Independent Production Company, based in Central London, founded by Steve Dodsworth and Chelsea Leigh Macleod. Their first short film WAITING FOR TIME was developed predominantly online. A story written by Paul Chronnell and directed by The Bashford Twins.

In this article, we ask The Bashford Twins a few questions on their experience working on what has been called possibly the first short film to be shot in the UK after lockdown. We explore the adventure of the filming process and discover more about The Bashford Twins, their goals and future plans.

1) How was it working on Waiting For Time?

Waiting For Time development during the COVID pandemic took a lot of planning and preparation from Producer Chelsea Leigh Macleod and Executive Producer Steve Dodsworth at Worthily Films to make sure everyone felt safe.

In pre-production, every meeting was done via Zoom, even casting! When we finally got to meet Ariyon Bakare and Jade Harrison in person to rehearse a couple of days before filming commenced. It was as we hoped, very relaxed and enjoyable, even with the social distancing.

When filming finally came, we were excited to get back on set, especially since we were shooting on super 16mm for the first time. It had been a dream of ours to shoot on film and Worthily Films gave us that opportunity.

2) What’s your biggest accomplishment?

There’s been a lot of things we’ve accomplished that we’re very proud of, the main one would be the journey we took to make a career out of filmmaking. We grew up in Blackburn, which is a small town in Lancashire. Having aspirations of being a film director, there weren’t any opportunities there, which pushed us to make the decision to sell all of our equipment and move to London to live in a converted shed in someone’s back garden for a year. We did free work at Pinewood Studios and eventually built more work and contacts there to start making our own films.

3)  What’s your favourite thing about the industry?

Meeting and working with new people all over the world is what’s great about this industry. You get to create a film family and only those who have been making films know exactly what we mean. You form a trust and bond with everyone that you work with for the rest of your career. It’s also the excitement of doing new projects. One week we’ll be on a commercial shoot, and then the next week we’ll be directing a music video. It’s a fun industry to be involved in.

4) What are your future plans?

Our goal since we were 13 has been to be the first twins to win a BAFTA and Academy Award for Best Director which is a big goal to have but right now we’re enjoying the process of building our craft as directors. It’s not a race to direct any feature film that falls on our lap, but a film we’re passionate about making. We’re staying patient and looking forward to shooting the next project with Worthily Films, whether that’s a feature film or TV series. If we get anywhere close to our 13 year old selves goal, we’ll be happy.

Waiting For Time is currently in Post – Production and we are preparing for a positive festival run. Writer, Paul Chronnell has been working on the feature script follow on and an exciting TV series. Worthily Films is developing their narrative slate.

They would argue that the best time is right now. Waiting for a good time?  Worthily Films prefer to create a good time, also known as filmmaking.

Getting Every Benefit of Hulu by reducing Hulu Error from TV or Playstation

Is it true that you are getting the disappointing Error 5003 on your PlayStation and Apple TV screen? In the event that truly, at that point do peruse the substance of this guide, as these will demonstrate accommodating to you. On the off chance that you discover any issue identified with activating a gadget on Hulu.com/activate connect.

Presently, we are going to reveal insight into the investigating steps to fix the Frustrating Error 5003 in Hulu. At the point when you get this mistake code on the screen, your substance will quit playing without a moment’s delay and won’t have the option to proceed with playback. You will be required to check the web association before interfacing with the Hulu administration. In the event that your web isn’t working appropriately, at that point you have to contact your web access supplier. 


In the wake of investigating the web association, you are required to check the recurrence of getting this mistake. In the event that it happens over and again, at that point there is a need to pay a nearby hope to post. Check whether the gadget is enacted on the Hulu interface or not. On the off chance that not, at that point enter Hulu Device Activation code on the Hulu interface. The inappropriate initiation code may place you in a tough situation.  For latest hulu technology, find more blogs about it through technology guest posting sites.

Be that as it may, this isn’t the issue identified with Hulu enactment, in any case specialists would have said as much. There is Hulu.com Activate connect that you can visit so as to actuate your Hulu record, and it is a damn simple procedure, however the issue isn’t identified with initiation. 

This error may emerge on the off chance that you stop the video in the middle. The spilling is going to stop without a moment’s delay. From here, you can proceed with simply in the wake of fixing this code. You should miss all your preferred shows until the issue gets fixed. Hulu is an application for those clients who are gorge watchers. This is what each and every individual who knows Hulu says however is the genuine case? All things considered, I don’t think in light of the fact that a choice has been taken by the higher specialists of Hulu, which turned out poorly with Hulu clients. 

Hulu and its Benefits

Individuals have been hanging tight for the season two of The Handmaid’s Tale, however the fervor that individuals were having in every one of these months transformed into a major frustration when they saw simply initial two scenes being discharged by Hulu. 

Individuals were anticipating the whole season, yet when Hulu discharged only two or three scenes, the entire sentiment of energy didn’t set aside much effort to transform into the sentiments of consternation. Presently, individuals need to know concerning why Hulu has made such a stride. For what reason doesn’t Hulu discharge whole seasons for its gorge watchers like Netflix? The organization’s Head of Content Craig Erwich tended to this answer three years prior. 

He stated, ‘We have various new unique TV arrangement arranged to be communicated, and for every single one of those, we are going to discharge scenes week by week. We might want to give watchers an incredible chance to find the shows they like each week. We invite client input and proposals in light of the fact that those assist us with offering better types of assistance to our clients’. 

In less complex terms, the organization needs to furnish its clients with a chance to process and examine the substance they have simply wind up viewing. All things considered, this move by Hulu was extraordinary, yet things went into the sways when the organization communicated only two scenes of that well known TV arrangement. Individuals were hoping to talk about things after initial two scenes, however they couldn’t do as such. 

Stepwise directions to dispose of this issue on PlayStation and Apple TV 

In the wake of executing the previously mentioned code, on the off chance that you are as yet getting the code, at that point it is prescribed to call at our specialized help number. Check the Hulu activation code and get support for your gadget from the help page. You will discover stepwise guidelines on the page. 

Presently, the means to investigate the Error code from Apple TV are: 

  • Inspect the system association on your gadget whether the association is working appropriately on the gadget or not. 
  • off the Router and your Apple TV. 
  • Check the update accessible if any on your Apple OS. Download it on your gadget and introduce it after this. 
  • Restart the Hulu application and check if the issue is settled or not. 
  • If you have associated more than one gadget to the system, at that point separate it from the remainder of the gadgets and interface with Apple TV as it were. In the event that the difficult despite everything emerges, at that point there is an issue with the Hulu com slice actuate page or network access supplier. Analyze the issue and make a move in like manner. 

How to expel mistake from PlayStation4? 

  • If a similar issue is going ahead your PLaystation4, at that point the most ideal approach to dispose of it is investigate the system first. 
  • If there is no issue with the system, at that point you have to move to the following stage I: e, disengaging the switch and associate it again to the force flexibly following a hole of 1 moment. 
  • Disconnect every other gadget associated with a similar system, on the off chance that you are as yet getting the issue, at that point investigate the system issue on your gadget itself. 
  • If the difficult despite everything goes on, at that point the main route forgot about is to uninstall the application from the gaming console and introduce it once more. This will take care of the issue. 

Along these lines, you can investigate the Hulu error issue on both the previously mentioned gadgets. On the off chance that, you go over some other issue, at that point you can connect with Hulu help and bolster suppliers.

Connecting the World with a powerful web

Bill Gates famously once noted: “The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow.”

The founder of Microsoft, and for a considerable time the richest man in the world, couldn’t have been more accurate.

We are often reminded that ‘money makes the world go round’, but it wouldn’t be an unfair suggestion to argue that the periphery of that wheel is fuelled by the internet.

The internet has allowed for so much in regard to development and economic growth.

With this in mind, we thought we’d take a look at internet speeds around the globe, what it provided in terms of opportunity, and the small island in the English channel which lays claim to the fastest broadband in Europe.

Speeds around the world

Taiwan, as of 2019, had the fastest internet connection in the world at an incredible 85.02mbps. On the other end of the scale, Yemen, in the Middle East, came in last after the numerous speed tests with a lowly 0.38mbps.

If we were to consider this in terms of a film download, Taiwan users would only have to wait around eight minutes to download a full 5gb movie, while those living in Yemen would be waiting for approximately 30 hours.

The global average weighs in at 11.03 but this is significantly pulled up thanks to the top five fastest nations in the world registering 125 times faster speeds than the slowest five.

37 of these fastest 50 nations are, unsurprisingly, in Europe. Only two of the 54 European jurisdictions are outside of the top 100 fastest countries in the world.

Europe, as a whole, has continued to better its hold thanks to the fact a number of its nations are rolling out full-fibre networks, removing the likes of ASDL.

Why it is so important

A strong network connection is an essential aspect of modern life. Broadband has been described as “an indispensable driver of economic growth and workplace development.”

For individuals, an internet connection offers an opportunity to not only find jobs but to do them as well. For those embarking on a professional career journey, the internet exists an area where information can be shared, and new skills obtained. In research carried out by Georgetown University, it became apparent that between 60 and 70 per cent of all job adverts are now posted online. If you aren’t an internet user, your chances of landing the job have already been cut.

For businesses, the benefits of a fast, reliable internet connection are endless. Less time spent sitting idle marks the first. Think of how much utilisation is being washed away when it takes up to five minutes to download a document. Similarly, 96 per cent of businesses are now reportedly using the Cloud which depends on internet access. Perhaps most importantly, a strong internet connection will enhance a business’ security.

All of the above benefits translate directly into increased monetary savings.

Best in Europe

Sweden, Denmark, and Holland are all nations with impeccable connection speeds but the jurisdiction with the fastest in Europe may come as somewhat of a surprise. Back in 2018, Jersey, the largest of the Channel Islands, rolled out a full fibre network to 40,000 homes and businesses.

Every country lane in the island was laid fibre-optic broadband wires, including a connection out to the iconic Elizabeth Castle off the coast of St Helier. It had been seven years previous, back in 2011, that Jersey Telecoms made the decision to lay the cables across the island, going what is known as ‘full-fibre’.

The costs of the project were around £50m and it will take between eight and nine years to recoup funds however for the title of Europe’s best internet connection, it is surely worth it?

Since the Channel Island made the decision to go ‘full-fibre’ a host of other European nations have bit the bullet and made the same jump, with France and Spain just two examples of those following suit.

It should come as no surprise that internet connectivity, particularly a strong one, is of incredible importance when it comes to a country making steps towards development.

Bring Your A-Game: 5 Daily Habits Successful People Swear By

“If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished your first task of the day.”

This quote is a snippet taken from a speech made by former US Navy Seal, William H. McRaven. The soldier’s book is, similarly, titled Make Your Bed and alongside becoming a #1 bestseller, it is also perceived as one of the world’s greatest self-help guides.

Of course, you can be of the mindset that ‘nobody is going to see it’, ‘you don’t have the time’, or ‘it’s going to be slept in again tonight anyway’ but, is that just a defeatist attitude — the winners in society would say “absolutely”.

Let us pose a question to you. Do you think that Gates, Sugar, and Zuckerberg wake up in the morning, don their suit, and depart their room with a duvet wrinkled or, even worse, straddling the floor? The answer is no.

When you consider that you spend, on average, one-third of your day in your room and that making your bed is not only simplistic but, stress alleviating, the worth of such a mundane task first thing in the morning instantly extenuates.

Now that the first five minutes of your day have been accounted for, let’s examine the rest. Here, we look at the top five daily habits that successful people swear by — if you can’t beat them, join them.


Anyone can look busy — just to clarify, this isn’t tip number one. High-flyers around the world all repeat the same rhetoric of “it’s about working smarter, not harder”. Use your time wisely and think about what you are doing. Ask yourself the question, ‘what benefit is this task having?’.

Often people may jump to the wrong conclusion that the CEO or director of their company might not have time for anyone. In fact, they probably have the most time, the only thing is they establish priorities and boundaries, not wasting precious time on tasks which will produce no return.

Document goals

How do you know what you’re trying to achieve when the situation is ever-changing? One problem many people struggle with is clear goal setting. Don’t instantly run off to grab a Bic and a A4 Spiral Pad to detail your Key Stage 2 ambition of becoming the coach of Real Madrid.

Create a list of actionable and achievable, yet ambitious, goals. These shouldn’t be a 15-year plan, they should be for today, tomorrow, and next Wednesday. Tick them off as you go and before long you will easily be able to distinguish the wood from the trees. 62 per cent of rich people focus on their goals every day.

The early bird…

So, we’ve come to understand that world leaders and business brains the world over don’t abandon their beds in a state of despair each day but, we are yet to discuss the time in which they vacate. It should come as no surprise that almost all the world’s success stories are built around individuals who actively beat the sun in its morning rise.

Virgin Media owner Richard Branson starts his day at around 5.45am, which may seem early to some but, not when compared to Apple’s CEO Tim Cook, who wakes up at 3.45am. By the time the world has awoke, both men have ticked off a number of items on their daily to-do-list, including completing a meditation session, responding to emails, and of course, sinking a coffee.

Thomas Corley, author of Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals, conducted a study involving more than 200 self-made millionaires from which he found that 44 per cent of rich people were awake three hours or more before their working day officially started.

A healthy body

Of course, there are a range of ways in which one can maintain both not only a good but, a healthy physique. In Corley’s aforementioned study two constants he recognised across the board were a lack of junk food and a continuous, structured amount of exercise.

Regardless of whether it’s running, lifting weights, or yoga, working out will make you more competitive and fill you with self-esteem and drive.

Belief in self improvement

If you don’t believe in yourself, how can you expect anyone else to? This spans a wide variety of things but, ultimately, starts with what you do every single day. It’s always easier when you’ve just had an exhausting day at work to come home, put your feet up, and emerge with pace down a rabbit hole on Netflix or social media. However, what do you benefit from that, apart from a quick fix?

Of course, this solution is often essential and there is no denying that but nine times out of ten you should be considering how best you can spend time to improve yourself in one way today. The successful and wealthy among us will be using this time to read something beneficial to their development. In fact, 88% of wealthy people spend at least 30 minutes every day reading non-fiction materials.

There is nothing to suggest that the implementation of these five measures will entitle you to the role of CEO at major global corporation but, it might be just enough to change your life!

DiagNodus Ltd receives a prestigious grant from Innovate UK to help it develop a radical new test for Covid-19

Thumbs-up for DiagNodus as company receives highly competitive Innovate UK grant

DiagNodus Ltd, a Cambridge biomedical company based at Babraham Research Campus, has received a prestigious grant from Innovate UK to help it develop a radical new test for Covid-19 using anal swabs. DiagNodus expects its new test to be more accurate than the model currently in use, which is based on collecting material from the nose and throat.

Dr. Alex Loktionov, CEO and Scientific Director of DiagNodus, commented: “recent peer-reviewed studies (https://doi.org/10.1053/j.gastro.2020.03.065) have shown that the virus remains in the bowel for longer than it does elsewhere in the body. Therefore, if we develop a test that spots it in bowel material, using our already proven diagnostic approach, we can trace the disease in patients who might otherwise have tested negative, but are in fact carriers of Covid-19. This can also protect from infection medical professionals performing gastrointestinal and colorectal procedures, and I am delighted that Innovate UK will be helping us take this project forward”.

Hard at work: A DiagNodus scientist doing her bit in the battle against Covid-19

The recent funding boost is the latest in a series of positive developments for DiagNodus. Earlier this year, the company’s innovative research on detecting bowel cancer was featured in the British Journal of Cancer, one of the world’s top medical publications (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41416-020-0893-8). The company has also launched an ambitious strategic partnership with St. George’s Hospital, a leading London NHS trust, as well as strengthening its Board with a new director tasked with commercialising its products and drawing in investment. This builds on an impressive track record in recent years, which have seen the company gain two granted patents, while the European Commission has recognised the work of DiagNodus with a prestigious Seal of Excellence. DiagNodus will announce a major fundraising round in the coming weeks.

For more information on DiagNodus, please see http://www.diagnodus.com/ or follow @Diagnodus on Twitter

Finding out what lurks in the ocean

The Earth consists of 71 per cent ocean coverage. Estimates by NOAA’s National Geophysical Data Center claim that there is 321,003,271 cubic miles of water within these vast areas. With all of this space to play with, just what can be found in our oceans? Tracerco finds out…

Marine life forms

There’s a whole lot of life thriving in the sea. There are hundreds of thousands of known marine life forms in the ocean, though many are still to be discovered and some scientists have suggested that the actual number could go into the millions. Plus, there are also around 4,000 species of coral reef fish found across the globe — that’s close to a quarter of all of the world’s marine fish species—though be aware that a millilitre of ocean water contains close to 1 million bacteria and 10 million viruses.

Dizzying heights and depths

How low does it go? Well, the deepest known area of the Earth’s oceans is the Mariana Trench. Located in the western Pacific Ocean and to the east of the Mariana Islands, the deepest point found here measures in at an estimated 11,000 metres — or 36,000 feet. The average depth of the Earth’s oceans is also 3,720 metres — or 12,200 feet.

The longest mountain range in the world is beneath the sea too. Named the Mid-Oceanic Ridge, this mountain chain stretches for more than 56,000km across and covers parts of the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Meanwhile, Earth’s highest mountain in the ocean is the Mauna Kea. Found off the coast of Hawaii, the mountain rises for 10,203 metres (33,474 feet) from the ocean floor, with 4,170 metres (13,680 feet) viewable above sea level.

The largest living structure on the planet is also underwater. This is the Great Barrier Reef — it measures around 2,600km and is so huge that it can be spotted from the Moon.

There are also dangerous structures on the seabed. On the ocean floor near to the Gulf of Mexico, brine pools can be found as can underwater volcanoes where mud and methane explode from them as opposed to lava. There’re also underwater hot springs found across the Earth’s oceans, where water with temperatures of 650°F shoot out — that’s hot enough to melt lead.

We have only dipped our toes in the water though. According to National Geographic, we have so far only explored around five per cent of the Earth’s oceans to date — that means that we have more detailed maps of Mars than we do of our planet’s ocean floor.

Treasures from history

The world’s biggest museum is technically the ocean, as there are more artefacts and treasures down there than all the museums of the world. There is almost 20 million tons of gold within the Earth’s oceans too — if all which was suspended was mined, there would be enough to give each person on the planet around 9 pounds of gold. Up to $60 billion in sunken treasure is housed on the floors of Earth’s oceans as well.

Of course, not all treasures are gold and silver. Scientists predict that there could be as much as 50 quadrillion tons of dissolved solids found within the Earth’s oceans — calcium salts, magnesium salts, potassium salts and sodium salts make up the bulk of this huge figure.

Sadly, the treasures of the ocean are sharing their space with trash. Every year sees an estimated 14 billion pounds of garbage dumped into the world’s oceans though, with most of this being harmful plastic.

Vital trade and communication links

Without the sea, we wouldn’t have nearly as many connections to the wider world. Over 90 per cent of all trade between countries is carried by ships, while around half of communications between nations occur using underwater cables — hence the importance of subsea pipeline inspection to keep everything running smoothly!

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