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Waiting for Time: First Film of Worthily Films

Waiting for Time: First Film of Worthily Films

Worthily Films, An Independent Company based in Central London, that is founded by Steve Dodsworth and Chelsea Leigh Macleod for production of short films. Waiting for Time is their first short film produced mostly online. The Bashford Twins direct this film, and Paul Chronnell writes its story and script.

As it was the first film shoot after lockdown, so we ask the directors, Liam Bashford and Kyle Bashford some questions about their working experience in the film. We were exploring and discovering all about the process of film and the goals and plans of the directors.

Working on the Film:

For keeping everyone safe at the set of Worthily Films, Chelsea Leigh Macleod and Steve Dodsworth, Producer and Executive Producer respectively, made a lot of planning and preparations during Corona Pandemic and development of Waiting for Time film.

The work even casting before the film was taken into account through Zoom meeting. Then we met Ariyon Bakare and Jade Harrison at rehearsing face to face before the commencement of the film. By keeping social distancing, everything was moving so relaxed and enjoyable as it was deemed.

The excitement went at the peak when filming started, and we were back to the Worthily Films set to perform and shoot film with super 16mm. Our dream has got an opportunity from Worthily Films of shooting on super 16mm, and it became true.

Biggest Accomplishment:

During the journey, we have accomplished several things, and the one that makes us proud is getting into the carrier of filming. We were brought up in a small town Blackburn of Lancashire. For becoming a film director, the town was not offering enough opportunities, and consequently, we sold our equipment and moved to London. At Pinewood Studios, in the beginning, we worked for free and finally started to create our films.

Favourite thing about the Industry:

The great thing about the Industry was meeting with new people and working with them to explore what we like. Our motive is to understand by those people who are involved in the film industry, and we are going to form a family. You build trust all around, and for the sake of your bright future, you join everyone with excitement in every new project. The Industry is full of fun at each stage while doing commercial shoots or directing a music video.

Future Plans:

When we were 13, we aim to get the BAFTA and Academy Award for Best Director, but right now, we were enjoying our career-building process as directors. We were enthusiastic about creating this film and not were running in a race to direct a feature film falling on our lap. We were in patience and wanted to shoot a feature film or TV series in the future projects with Worthily Films.

The first short film, “Waiting for Time”, is in Post-Production at this Time, but we are getting ready for a positive festival sequence. Paul Chronell, the Script Writer, has also been working on new feature scripts and TV series.

Revealed: Europeans pay the world’s highest alcohol tax

Tax is a fact of life. Whether you’re a business accountant who encounters tax through daily use of invoicing software, or a customer making a single purchase in a shop, tax is an integral part of our economy that everyone is aware of.

Alcohol tax is occasionally increased to combat crime and deaths caused by excessive drinking around the world — Australia’s alcohol tax climbed 2.5% already this year and has been doing so every six months for the last 35 years. According to research, alcohol tax cuts in England in 2012 resulted in roughly 2,000 deaths and around 100,000 extra crimes.

Tax can depend on the alcohol content in beer, wine, and spirits. For example, there’ll be a 12 cent increase on beer in South Africa, which will rise to R1.74 excise duty, a 750ml bottle of wine will rise 22 cents to R3.15, and a bottle of whiskey will go up by R4.54 to R65.84.

Countries with the highest alcohol tax

The average tax on alcohol is at 16% — both Zambia and Kenya have the average alcohol tax rate, with relatively low alcohol-related deaths at 2.1% and 2.6%, respectively, suggesting that alcohol tax is effective in these countries for reducing alcohol intake.

Interestingly, the top 16 countries that pay the highest tax are all European countries. Hungary is the highest at 27%, followed closely by Croatia, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden at 25%. But despite the higher alcohol tax rate, Hungary also had the second highest alcohol-related death rate at 6.7%, which in 2014 was reported as twice the global average. Norway’s alcohol mortality rate is 2%, with Sweden at 3.3%, Demark at 4.8%, and Croatia at 5.6%. Considering Andorra’s alcohol tax is one of the lowest at 4.5%, their mortality rate of 3.9% is considerably high when taking other countries into account.

Is higher alcohol tax effective?

Attempting to reduce alcohol consumption with a policy might not be as effective in all countries, with cultural differences playing a major part in drinking alcohol. For example, Hungary has been recognised by the WHO as a country that has adopted drinking alcohol as a large part of their culture, a trend common among Eastern European countries which is less prevalent in Scandinavian countries, reflecting findings of the data above — does this suggest that high tax works as a deterrent only if drinking alcohol isn’t a large part of the country’s culture?

Country Alcohol Tax (%) Alcohol-Related Deaths (%)
Hungary 27 6.7
Croatia 25 5.6
Denmark 25 4.8
Norway 25 2
Sweden 25 3.3
Zambia 16 2.1
Kenya 16 2.6
Jordan 16 0.4
Mexico 16 6.8
South Africa 15 6.4
Andorra 4.5 3.9

Other countries that matched the average alcohol tax of 16% were Jordan and Mexico. Jordan’s alcohol mortality rate was the lowest at 0.4%, surprisingly followed by Mexico at the highest with 6.8%.

Alcohol tax and alcohol-related mortalities

Alcohol has been reported as being at the centre of daily and ritual life in numerous Mexican communities while simultaneously being a damaging factor both physically and socioeconomically. With a similar tax rate to Mexico of 15%, South Africa’s rate of alcohol-related deaths stands at 6.4%, one of the highest out of the countries selected for discussion. South Africa has some of the heaviest drinkers in the world — 61% of the population abstain from drinking, with around 31% drinking so heavily that it contributes to many societal and health problems. This suggests that perhaps alcohol tax isn’t effective in controlling alcohol death rates when drinking is so prevalent.

Similarly, Jordan had the same tax rate as Mexico, however their alcohol death rate stood at 0.4%. As 90% of the Jordanian population are Muslim, there’re stricter laws for drinking and being drunk in public. It would seem that religious belief can play a key part in societal expectations and regulations.

According to WHO, higher-income countries are more likely to introduce alcohol interventions — nearly all countries (95%) have implemented alcohol taxes, however less than half of these countries are also using further price strategies to reduce alcohol consumption by banning below-cost selling and bulk discounts. Many have television bans, but this is less common for digital marketing and social media.

Based on research, it would appear that increasing alcohol tax to reduce drinking largely depends on the extent to which drinking is a part of culture, as well as further government interventions and price strategies. Countries such as Hungary, Mexico, and South Africa where drinking is a popular activity will have less effective alcohol taxes in comparison to countries like Norway, Sweden, and Jordan where it isn’t indulged in as often.

Maximizing the Use of Digital and Social Media for Your Business Start-up

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to make necessary changes in the way we think and behave to stay safe. Being social people, we find ways to connect with others without putting our own health and others’ at risk. This has resulted in the increase in Internet usage and the realization of the importance of social media, to keep in touch and to know what’s happening in the world.

The power of social and digital media became more rampant when corporations, entrepreneurs, and start-ups began to weaponize it for business. Being stuck at home for several months without work, people looked for means to be productive and started opening online businesses to support their financial needs.

To advertise their products to immediate friends and family and–eventually–to their community, social media advertising has been their aid. Social media presence has become the means of businesses to remain operational, relevant, and connected to people–most importantly to potential customers.

All businesses–even established ones–suffered a loss in their earnings since the pandemic started. To boost brand recall without shelling out too much cash and still reach the masses, businesses made wise use of social media marketing and the digital media industry.

As a start-up or a small to medium business enterprise, you would want to expand your means of promoting yourself–not only limited to social media. This is where the knowledge about digital media strategies comes in handy, especially when you start to create and promote your own website and create video ads to be displayed on other digital platforms.

Before coming up with your own social media and digital marketing strategy, it is best to be thoroughly knowledgeable about your business and its goals. This will greatly help you in selecting the right keyword mapping strategies, social media platforms, engagement strategies, consumers’ interests, and other factors for your business success.

Considerable knowledge about what digital media technology is will help you save time, money, and energy while maximizing the potential of your strategies in using social media for business.

One important factor to consider when establishing your brand in the digital media industry is your choice of social media platform. Similar to other marketing and advertising platforms–like TV commercials, radio commercials, and newspaper advertisements–social media platforms are unique and are tailored to a specific audience for a specific purpose.

It may not be enough to rely on social media, alone, to boost your business. This is why you should understand the basics of SEO in your digital marketing strategy, too.

Knowing the basics of SEO such as keyword research and search intent will help you craft your social media marketing strategies in such a way that will help contribute to your business goals and allow you to rise amidst the ongoing digital marketing competition.

To help you make the seemingly tough decision for your business needs, below is a round-up of some major social media platforms.


As of March 31, 2020, there are over 2.6 billion active Facebook users worldwide. According to recent statistics, female users of the world’s most popular social medium are aged 18-24 years old, while the male users range from 25-34 years old.

Businesses and other start-ups that use Facebook can create a dedicated page for their business. For your potential customers to get to know your business better,  be sure to fill out the page sections on your Facebook page such as About, Community, Events, Home, Info and Ads, Offers, Photos, Posts, Reviews, Services, and Shop if it applies to your business.

Aside from this, make sure to utilize the Facebook page’s Messenger account when engaging with your customers, as this is a means to communicate  directly with them.

The ability to show that you personally care for your customers by directly communicating with them is what makes the impact of social media strong, especially for businesses. Find out what Facebook ads cost. You can also use this to send messages to your customers regarding new offers you may have, if they are not able to personally see it on their timeline or on your page.


With 330 million monthly active users, it is undeniable that using this platform for business is good to promote your brand and products. Twitter platform is especially useful in promoting brand awareness and being able to connect directly with people.

With the use of a # (hashtag) and an @ (at reply) function, you can conveniently post ads that are directed towards your target audience. Keeping a close eye on the trends will give you an idea of what’s in and what’s interesting for your audience.

To be able to let your audience know who you are and what you offer, make sure that you update your header image of any promotions or offers you have, as of the moment. Don’t forget to include your location, business hours, and website link to your bio.


According to statistics, 72% of Instagram users are teenagers which shows that this platform is used greatly by the younger population. If your business target market is teenagers or people below the age of 35, this is the right social media platform to use.

Since this platform is used to show rather than tell about your products and services, make sure to be creative in creating a unique visual aesthetic for your brand. Optimize your business profile bio such as contact information, category, and call-to-action buttons to guide your visitors to your landing page.

With the addition of the “checkout” option on Instagram, your customers can now avail of your products and services while browsing your business’s Instagram page.


Another fool-proof strategy on how to do digital marketing is through video creation to promote brand awareness, product reviews, and information sharing this to the most number of people possible, because even without creating their YouTube accounts, users can still access your videos and advertisements. You can also do a live streaming through YouTube Live and YouTube stories.

There are also different ways to advertise on YouTube that you can avail of to generate leads and traffic for your channel and website based on your chosen options.


If you’re a start-up or a micro- to small-business enterprise, aside from generating leads and sales, you may want to build connections with other companies and professionals to make your business thrive. Moreover, if your products and services are primarily catered to professionals, then LinkedIn is the right social media platform to use.

You can create a LinkedIn Page for your business where you can share Word Docs, PDFs, and PowerPoints to your audience and contribute to meaningful discussions in your area of expertise. You can optimize your posts to make sure that they meet your goals in reach and impact.

The impact of social media to business and consumer behavior is great. Now that you have the right social media platform for your business in mind, you should know what a good digital marketing strategy is to maximize the use of your chosen platform for your business.

Social Media Marketing Strategies

  • S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Goals, as mentioned before, serve as your guide toward your end goal. When making a good digital marketing strategy, know your goals, as this will clearly guide you on the steps you should take:

Specific – Specific goals help you focus on one or two important things you want to achieve.

Measureable – Measurability should be tracked using tools and algorithms.

Achievable – Achievability should prove that your specific goals are doable.

Relevant – Relevance is important because when your posts and offers are relevant, people are sure to avail of it.

Time-bound – Set a specific span of time for the goal so that you can track if your steps and strategies are effective or not and be able to come up with fresh ideas.

  • Creating creative and fresh content with your audience in mind

Your audience is not everyone. Knowing the demographics of your target market will enable you to come up with specific content that is sure to fit their tastes and needs. Make sure to incorporate your brand personality in  your content and voice, as these details will help you stand out among your competitors.

When creating content, make sure that it is fresh and creative: something that will catch attention. However, it is not enough that you make the right content. You should also define the best time to post them; so that you are sure that they are viewed by your target audience while they are online.

Neil Patel–who is known to help small- and medium-sized businesses with their revenues through SEO and digital marketing–noted that there’s no perfect time to post, but there are best practices you can follow when timing your posts.

Using social media for business requires proper scheduling and dedication. Prepare your calendar to schedule your posts per month; so that you maintain your social media presence. You can also use social media posting and scheduling tools to make your life easier.

Digital Media Marketing Strategies

  • Search engine optimization

Once you are familiar with your target audience, you’ll be fully aware of their search intent and keywords used when searching for specific products and services that you may offer.

When crafting your bio, posts, and hashtags, it is best to perform a thorough keyword research that will help you rank high in search results and that may have less competition with similar businesses.

If you’re creating blogs for your website, it is also good to focus on keywords that are likely to be used by your customers, that way, your blogs will be one of the top search engine results pages (SERPs).

It is also important that when using social media or any other digital platform, you are aware of the algorithms they use so that you can create a strategy that will enable you to come up with ideas on how to promote your site and products.

To encourage your page and website visitors to avail of your products and services, do not forget to include a strong call-to-action. Make sure that these calls-to-action are clear and specific and not annoying to the point that they pop up everytime they transfer from one page to another on your website. The more your site is easy to use and fun to browse, the more users will enjoy navigating your site, thus spending more time on it.

  • Engagement

Use tools to monitor engagements both in your website and in your social media business accounts. These monitoring tools will help you determine the effectiveness of your posts and notify you when you receive reviews or questions  from your potential customers.

Remember, in any business, it is important to develop trust. Once your customers trust you, then they will be loyal to your business. To sum up this advice: build relationships, not just followers.

Show people you care. It is important to have an empathetic brand voice for your business. Moreover, immediately try to address complaints and don’t forget to express gratitude to those who give you compliments.

  • Branding

Since all businesses try to solve a problem, customers should feel that you’re the right one to do the job through your products and services. If you use an indifferent tone in your business, they might feel the need to look for another company instead of availing of your services.

Familiarize yourself with the different social media channels you can use for your business, and don’t forget to apply simple and practical tips to your social media strategy, to help achieve your business goals.

5 Celebrities That Will Inspire You to Try Blue Zoning

Imagine living in one of the few areas of the world in which the community is famed for its health and longevity. There are five such places known around the globe, and we refer to them as “Blue Zones”. In Blue Zones, people live long and healthy lives. They intertwine exercise into their daily routines, eat healthy plant-based diets, and know the importance of a calm and spiritual lifestyle.

Any celebrity who is a strong advocate of health and wellbeing would feel right at home in a Blue Zone, but some have particularly close connections with Blue Zones around the world. Let’s take a trip around the globe to these inspirational locations and learn a bit more about the celebrities who have been shaped by their way of life.

Zac Efron — Sardinia

High School Musical star Zac Efron may not be a Sardinian native, but if is recent Netflix documentary Down to Earth is anything to go by, he has been truly inspired by the Blue Zone way of life and the Sardinian diet. In episode four of Down to Earth, Zac Efron spent time getting to know some Sardinian centenarians and learning what made them tick.

Along with wellness expert Darin Olien, Zac visited Seulo, the town with the highest number of centenarians in the world. During their stay, Zac and Darin became equated with the Sardinian recipe for health aging, namely, the world-renowned diet. As they get to know some Sardinian food enthusiasts, including local chef Vittoria Murgia, they come to realise that it isn’t just the healthy Sardinian ingredients that make the food of this Blue Zone so powerful, but the fact that it is made with love and paired with community living and regular, gentle exercise.

As Zac so rightly says in the programme, “What better way for us to study this Blue Zone phenomenon than through the local diet?” The simple Mediterranean diet is largely plant-based and includes plenty of flatbread, barely, fennel, and chickpeas.

As the show has since seen huge success around the world, reaching number three on the US watch list for example we are likely to see more people than ever embracing the Sardinian way of life, taking inspiration from Sardinian cooking, and even factoring this Mediterranean island into their next holiday.

Mel Gibson — Nicoya Peninsula

Famed for its vast white beaches and dense juggle landscapes, Costa Rice has long been a holiday hot spot among A-list celebrities. This central American country is a favourite holiday destination for the likes of Selena Gomez, George Clooney, Rafa Nadal, Leonardo DiCaprio, Miley Cyrus, Beyoncé and Jaz-Z, Chris Hemsworth, and Matt Damon — to name but a few!

Mel Gibson however, really embraced the Blue Zone lifestyle when he purchased his holiday home in the depth of the jungles on the Nicoya Peninsula. The Brave Heart star has famously struggled with his mental health over the years and in 2008 he announced in a documentary that he had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Perhaps his villa in the Nicoya Peninsula became a haven from the demands of everyday life. If so, he couldn’t have chosen anywhere more remote than this secluded Costa Rican spot, famed for longevity and health.

Matthew Modine — Loma Linda

Loma Linda (which translates from Spanish as “beautiful hill”) is a city in San Bernardino County, California. It is a relatively new city that was only incorporated in 1970 but has already achieved fame as one of the world’s five Blue Zones. The inhabitants of Loma Linda, who are mostly descendants and practicing members of the Seventh-day Adventist church, live an average of ten years longer than the rest of the USA.

Matthew Modine, the actor most famous for his role in Full Metal Jacket, was born and raised in Loma Linda. In one interview with Men’s Health magazine, he discussed his simple upbringing and how he learnt to do household tasks from a young age, helping out his family. Household tasks are championed in the Blue Zone mentality, and it is believed that you can get as much out of putting your all into daily tasks as you would dedicating time specifically to fitness.

Modine’s mother was a student of Buddhism, and he learnt a lot from his parents about how to let go of anger and accept life for what it is. Spirituality and mindfulness are both key aspects of Blue Zone-thinking and shared traits of the inhabitants of all the Blue Zone locations.

Tamlyn Tomita — Okinawa

Another longevity hotspot is Okinawa in Japan. The Okinawa islands boast the world’s longest-living women and this area was once even referred to as “the land of immortals”. The inhabitants of Okinawa are also known to have minimal cases of cancer, heart disease, and dementia. One thing that Okinawa residents hold to great importance is their powerful social network, known as a “moai”.  This close-knit circle of friends and loved ones is thought to help people live long and healthy lives with a powerful sense of purpose.

This can certainly be reflected in the attitude of Okinawa-born Japanese-American actress, Tamlyn Tomita. In 2019, Trek Magazine noted that Tamlyn Tomita “is always ready to lend her support to community events and organizations, and keeps her life simple, focusing on love, work and family.”

Her community efforts can be seen through her ongoing activism around the theme of Hollywood whitewashing and the part she has played in LGBTQI+ Asian American performing arts festivals.

Tom Hanks — the Greek islands

The Greek islands, and specifically the island of Ikaria, have become famous for their elderly residents who, for the most part, have lived lives free from disease. Combine this with the turquoise water and world-renowned beaches, which make you desperate to throw on your designer bikini and go for a swim, and it’s no wonder that celebrities have gravitated towards the Greek islands when looking for a second home.

Tom Hanks is married to Greek-American actress Rita Wilson, so it’s no surprise that this Oscar-winning actor feels an affinity with the Greek lifestyle. The Greek locals say that the island getaway is the only place where Hanks and Wilson are “left alone to relax, catch up with friends, throw dinner parties and unwind, away from Hollywood’s demands and flashing lights.”

After the demands of Hollywood, a slow-living Blue Zone environment sounds like the perfect place to unwind!

We can certainly see how all of these Blue Zone locations have either drawn celebrities in or played crucial roles in helping them become who they are today. Perhaps we can all learn a thing or two from these tantalising destinations and embrace a Blue Zone-inspired lifestyle.

How Car Technology has Changed Over Time and What we can Expect to see in the Future…

These days, if a car doesn’t have electric windows and power steering, it’s viewed as being almost antique. But, perks such as these haven’t always been a given. Exactly who invented the first-ever automobile may be up for debate — many believe it was Karl Benz — but what can’t be argued is that it certainly didn’t resemble the car equipped with a hi-tech vehicle platform of software and apps that we use today.

Benz’s first petrol-powered car, created in 1885, was powered by a single cylinder four-stroke engine. Fast forward 133 years and your typical petrol-fueled economy car has either three, four or six cylinders.

But what else has evolved in the car we see before our eyes today? Here, we look at car developments throughout time and how technology has changed the car industry. After all, as technology keeps advancing, so too will the car we drive.

Electric cars

Electric cars were actually introduced over 100 years ago, but are currently seeing a rise in popularity. By 2030, the UK’s government has proposed that three-fifths of cars sold should be electric.  Whether this target is met remains to be seen, but with Vauxhall already introducing the new Vauxhall Corsa E to their model line-up earlier this year, it’s clear that many manufacturers realise the importance of the electric car’s future.

In-car radio

For many of us, the first thing we do (well, second, after we put our seatbelts on – safety first!) is choose our radio station that we plan to listen to on our journey. While this is second nature to us these days, it was first introduced to our vehicles in 1930.

The invention by Paul and Joseph Galvin and William Lear allowed for drivers to have access to monophonic AM radio. Compact cassettes arrived on the scene in the 1960s, before car stereos started to rival home versions for their sound quality in the 80s. Nowadays, a lot of drivers connect their own music systems – often their mobile phones – to listen to their favourite tunes, and if we don’t, many car radio systems are now touchscreen.

Anti-lock brakes

While anti-lock braking systems are now a standard safety feature, of course this hasn’t always been the case. ABS’s development has been a long process since first being a concept in the 1920s. Until the 1950s, the system was primarily used on aircrafts, but by the 60s, car manufacturers began to experiment with the technology. It wasn’t until the 90s that ABS and related systems became commonplace.


There are so many uses for cameras to now be included in a new car. Whether it’s a dash-cam to record everything that is happening around you – where there’s blame there’s a claim, right? – or reverse cameras to help you park, these are really becoming a staple addition to any new car.

However, like parking sensors, a reverse parking camera has been around a lot longer than you may think. In 1956, Buick’s Centurion concept car included the technology. However, like parking sensors, this helpful tool wasn’t used mainstream until the turn of the millennium.

On-board diagnostics

Gone are the days, in theory, that you’d break down without any knowledge of what is going on. Since 1994, on-board diagnostics have been able to indicate to us that there is a problem before it’s too late. We may not know what the symbols always mean, but by detecting a fault or an issue, we are able to seek the help to fix the problem before it causes further issues.

Parking sensors

You’d be forgiven for thinking parking sensors haven’t long been introduced; some cars still don’t have them. However, they first burst onto the scene in the 70s and were originally supposed to be guidance devices for the blind.

Using ultrasonic technology that is installed on a car’s bumpers, parking sensors detect any obstacles or surroundings as the vehicle approaches them, beeping louder and faster as you get closer. This device become widely used in the early 2000s and is now the most common and basic parking system available.

There have been many other technological developments that could be mentioned, such as the introduction of cigarette lighters in 1921, intermittent windscreen wipers in 1969 and, more recently, lane departure warnings in 2010. With plans in place to have fully autonomous cars rolled out as soon as 2021, it’s clear that technology will never cease to change the car industry. The invention would mean that in less than 150 years, we would have gone from our first car to our maiden autonomous car. Now that is fast!

Importance of Appointment Booking Software in a Clinic

Undeniably, the long waiting in the medical offices has become a headache!!! Surely, no one wants their potential customers to lose in any way.  They are the whole and sole responsibility for your success. Hence, it is the utmost need to satisfy them and give the best service.

Be the one to give your patients the chance to schedule their clinical appointments online.  You must be aware of the recent technological aspects and the manner it is surprising us every day.   Nowadays, technology has become an unavoidable aspect. From a decade, the world is experiencing several changes related to it in many fields.

And, one of those fields is health care, undoubtedly it holds the essential elements in human life for ages now.

Although the most challenging task in the medical field is to expand its services to the lowest yield at an appropriate time, and yes, technology has reached out to further narrow the gap!

The main concern of each patient when they visit the doctor is-  How long do they have to wait at the waiting room or front desk.

Most of the time, filling the appointment is in their hands. This will eventually reduce the production time, thereby effectively providing the best medical services to patients.

Both the doctors and patients find it difficult to track the appointments because the demand for medical services has increased and the requirement of technical support has become imminent.

Online scheduling software must be the well-suited option for everyone to get the best outcomes possible. It not only allows your patients to fix appointments with you but also has many other applications.

When you have online scheduling software by your side, you can track the hundreds and thousands of patient details or appointments with ease. Also, you can manage the employees even if you are away and hence, can easily handle the emergency cases easily.

The best part about online scheduling software is that it seamlessly mixes the busy professional lives. It, therefore, improves the patient inflow and superbly, increases the revenue, and gives you the time to utilize it properly.

Table of Contents

Benefits of using Appointment Booking Software?

Reduce No Shows

No time wastage

Preserve Capital

Enhanced patient experience


Easily Accessible

Real-Time Updates

Similar day appointments


Features and components of Appointment Scheduling Software


Appointment Reminders

User-Friendly Interface

Mobile Access

Patient and Appointment Tracking

Patient Portal

Wrapping Up

Benefits of using Appointment Booking Software?

Even if it is a medical clinic, a veterinary office, or other types of businesses, operating a clinic is a daunting task. Assuring everything to complete on time and maintain the smoothness of all the things. Top of all, without bothering about the scheduling process.

This is the reason several like to spend in the best clinical appointment scheduling software. To make it more clear to you, we are below mentioning the benefits of the same.

Reduce No Shows

Every business, including the clinics, faces the issues of the customers not showing up on time for their appointments. This is not just annoying, but also wastes a lot of time, effort, and money. Here, the appointment management software sends automated alerts to reduce no shows and receive payments when the customers missed their bookings.

No time wastage

No one likes to get entertained via calling customers and scheduling appointments. The online scheduling software streamlines the overall process and makes handling everything easy. It amalgamates the online scheduling features for saving time, such as, calendars that allow the customer to secure the appointments and then, schedule them conveniently.

Because the appointment booking software allows the patients to book the timings of their choice, hence, the software totally reduces the waiting time to get their turn. Hence, it boosts the bottom line by allowing you to entertain more patients or customers. Hence, we can say that this process totally, eradicates the process of making phone calls.

Preserve Capital

The best thing about using accurate online scheduling software is that it saves a large amount of money.

This is because it is considered to be able to improve efficiency, reduce the number of personnel required for daily operations, and no need to use redundant equipment (such as servers) because every scheduling task and patient information will be stored online.

Enhanced patient experience

Needless to say, improved scheduling processes rightly translate into the improved clinic workflow and patient experience. Using the best clinic online scheduling software, you can reduce the waiting time in the clinic, uncertainty scheduling, and make it seamless for your customers to schedule the appointments easily without calling the office and to be placed on hold, many more.


The online scheduling software sorts every patient detail in one database. It implies that when someone books an appointment, every basic information gets saved in the software system, consulting treatment notes, making scheduling follow-ups, etc. This overall makes it easy for you to manage the appointment schedules with many providers and locations.

Easily Accessible

When it is about online scheduling, you can access the calendar anytime and from anywhere. All this makes the process convenient for those who work from many locations or travel frequently but, likes to maintain the scheduling process. With the online scheduling software, you can monitor the patients’ schedules and know the staff’s day to day activity 24X7.

Real-Time Updates

Generally, the setbacks in scheduling the appointments and getting valuable data of the patients create issues. Nevertheless, the online clinic scheduling software, the comprehensive information gets updated on time and reduces the waiting time and difficulty in both you and your patients.

Similar day appointments

A gap occurs when the patient cancels or reschedules the appointment at the last minute. It implies that when you fill the gap, then, you end up losing money. Nevertheless, with the scheduling software, you can send the email or text to the maximum about the offers, discounts, and other important aspects and assist you to fill those gaps and administer your clinic at maximum efficiency.


Another benefit of investing in online scheduling software is that it gets configured easily for the clinic’s requirements. For instance; you can make the customized appointments setting according to the locations or particular providers or adjust the time of appointments and the reasons accordingly. This process, overall allows you to be organized by offering several form-fill and labeling options.

Features and components of Appointment Scheduling Software

As far as of now, you got informed about the benefits of clinical management software. There are many main elements and features behind this that is the best choice for all. Hence, to make it viable to you, we are below mentioning the Appointment Scheduling Software features.


Bid farewell to old-fashioned analog scheduling methods, such as having the receptionist who is responsible for fixing appointments in the scheduling book. Every process can be automated to lessen the need to hire extra staff and reduce human errors to a great extent.

Appointment Reminders

Reduce confusion and no shows with automated appointments alerts. The scheduling software can be programmed to send the email or text reminder to patients prior to an appointment to assure they make it on time.

User-Friendly Interface

The clinical booking software can be accessed easily, allowing customers and your employees to navigate the calendar easily. They fill in the required information to schedule the appointments as easily as possible.

Mobile Access

As we all know that most of the businesses are now handled on mobile. Hence, it becomes essential that the Business management apps or software also fulfills the mandates. It also permits the patients to book an appointment and get real-time updates on their mobile devices.

Patient and Appointment Tracking

The online scheduling clinical software enables you to track the patients from the time they visit, to where they are in the appointment manner to make you sure when they are about to check out.

Patient Portal

The patients can easily access the calendar online using clinical software. Even, they can receive the updated receipt and the requirements to get follow-ups appointments, etc.

Wrapping Up

In healthcare services, patient self-scheduling is becoming a rising trend.

As the demand for effective and user-friendly appointment scheduling continues to grow, it becomes more and more essential.

Use the scheduling software into your clinic and know-how to satisfy management, patients and you, can ever get when it is about scheduling the day.

Here, in this article, we have given you the best scheduling software features and benefits. Now, you should get the one and start getting success sooner.

Hopefully, you liked this article. If you have queries and suggestions then, let us know in the comment section below.

Thanks for reading!!

Discontinued Cars That Are Worth the Most

You’re searching for a new model to buy — you narrow your search down to a select few motors that have caught your eye, they meet the specifications you’re looking for, they have powerful engines and fantastic handling — the reviews are superb. And then you find that they’ve been discontinued by their manufacturer, dubbing it a ‘zombie car’.

Buying a discontinued model can plant seeds of doubt in drivers’ minds, whether it’s to do with sourcing parts if something goes wrong or it changes your opinion of what you thought was a popular and well received car. However, parts are often still produced for years after a model has been discontinued or will be made by other manufacturers, as well as sharing car parts with other cars. Some models are discontinued and replaced with a modernised version with new features, have been renamed to fit in with a series of models, such as the Infiniti G37 Coupe becoming the Q60, buyer habits have changed, sales are down, or costs have risen. With automotive manufacturers reacting to the boom of the SUV and the push for electric cars, many cars, including diesels, are on their way out. Certainly! It’s true that some discontinued cars can become sought-after classics, leading to an increase in their value over time. Among these, there are several models that stand out for their rarity and popularity. One example of a discontinued car that has gained value over time is the 1500 GMC Sierra.

Sometimes, although some discontinued cars fade away, some models can be an investment, with the value increasing. Often, classic cars are those that were hugely popular and rare, which discontinued cars become classics as they’re harder to get your hands on. Here, we’ll look at expensive discontinued cars that are worth the most.

Volkswagen Beetle

Price: £10,490

After nearly seven decades on the automotive market, the German engineer announced in 2018 that the Beetle was to be discontinued. Recognised as one of the most iconic, quirky cars, this model symbolised the 1960s counterculture — breaking away from conformity and tradition. With over 22.5 million models sold over the decades, the shifting trend of SUV and crossovers has caused VW to turn their attention elsewhere.

With around 420,000 units sold in its peak popularity in the 60s due to its feature in the Disney film The Love Bug. Only 15,000 were sold in the U.S. in 2017, a dramatic fall. With the average price of a Volkswagen Beetle being around £1,321 in 2003, this vehicle has increased in value, making it more expensive than what it previously went for.

Jaguar E-Type
Price: £65,000 – £300,000

Initially rolling off the production line in 1961, the Jaguar E-Type was a legendary supercar that stole the hearts of car lovers everywhere. Famously described by Enzo Ferrari as the world’s most beautiful car, the E-Type ranked first in the Telegraph’s 2008 “100 most beautiful cars of all time”, so it isn’t surprising that as a discontinued car, its value has increased. Discontinued in 1975 to make way for the Jaguar XJ-S, the E-Type was ahead of it’s time for style, technology, and handling — one of the most innovative vehicles of its era. Certainly a different style from the bulked up Jaguar I-Pace SUV.

Aston Martin DB9
Price: £12,340 – £87,570

A British grand tourer first introduced to the public in 2003 at the Frankfurt Auto Show, Aston Martin’s DB9 was initially produced as a replacement for the DB7. It was manufactured until 2016 to make room for the DB11, with an all-new platform and engine. Although a sign of innovation and progress in the automotive world, the discontinuation was sadly received, putting an end to one of the most iconic and popular Aston Martins ever created. The DB9 was so iconic that its style became the norm for future designs.

Price: £250,000

In 2003, it was announced that this successful and sought-after car would be discontinued, following the James Bond film The World is Not Enough surged it to popularity in the three years it was produced. Initially priced at $104,000 in 2003, the Z8 was sold to less than 150 drivers in the UK and 5,700 in the world, making it a rare piece of art. Recognised as one of the world’s sexiest cars, Considered a collector’s car, the Z8 now goes for more than double the original price at £250,000, while other BMW models’ values have depreciated.

If you’re considering buying a discontinued model — don’t fret — do your research and find out which models have increased in value and make your purchase an investment.

5 Amazing Movies That You Have to Watch During This Quarantine


Generally, we admire movies, and we know the best cure for boredom is movies. We usually watch movies to relax but, this COVID-19 and increased self-quarantine did our search for videos that are worth the watch. Initially, we may find some films here and there and use our time to scroll through Netflix, but now all of us are spending our time in search of good movies that shouldn’t regret our expectations and if you don’t want to invest in Netflix, you can use (https://freeaccountsonline.com/). So, I decided to put a list of 5 videos here to get rid of your boredom.   

GET OUT (2017) – English

Get out is a thriller film about benevolent racism. A young black man travels with his white girlfriend to meet her parents for the first time. What begins as an awkward visit soon turns into a horrifying struggle for his survival due to the people who he sees there are not what they seem to be. It pictures the mental and physical abuses faced by black people. “Racism”- is undeniably a social evil that persists in our society to date. It was common there that black people are accused of unnecessarily in all situations. In most of the cases, whatever the crime is, white people always target on blaming black people. The realistic fearful life of black people and how their innocence is created by the white people are depicted creatively and brilliantly. An excellent try to show-off the racist mindset people have and a must watch the movie. 

GULLY BOY (2019) – Hindi

This movie is based on the real-life story of street rappers in Mumbai. They presented the day-to-day life of the slum people realistically. The hard work of the hero’s parents to get him educated so that he could get an excellent white-collar job, but his passion and aim towards street rap got his way ahead was presented thoughtfully. This movie depicted the emotional journey of street rappers of a slum, who have the force and energy to achieve greater heights. In between, the strength, power, and guts he got from his girlfriend to do the street rap and things and their love and reliable, long-lasting bond were portrayed awfully, and it became the most beautiful part of the film which covers a large part of the audience. A must watch the movie.

CHARLIE (2015) – Malayalam

This story is a girl in search of a mysterious boy. It does not have a super good account or an excellent pantomime. It just reveals and makes us realize “there is only one life and live it as much as you can in an optimistic way”. Most of us wanted to live a life that involves adventure, travel, fighting against injustice heroically, living one among the poor and sharing their day as ours, to express our boldness in the right way, not hurting others, not being restricted to a healthy life, etc. If all these are felt satisfied just by watching a movie means it is soulful. And Charlie is one of those, which gives some emotional satisfaction. The portrayal of the characters was awesomely cool. 

PERANBU (2018) – Tamil

This movie has a separate part of defining nature in glowing and loathing terms. Each of them is connected with his life. In short, this story is about a single father who was dejected when his wife abandons him and has the responsibility to raise his daughter. Who is affected by cerebral palsy, how the father faced the stages when her daughter attained puberty, how he handles the daughter, who also reached sexual maturity. By expressing her actions and mindsets, she out rayed her maturity in sexuality, which at first made him angry and later changed him to understand the mindset and bodily needs that a girl needs or is attracted to at that age. All of them were portrayed respectably. The director beautifully depicted the reality of life that the problems in it are always never-ending, which also has a temporary solution. When long-term or permanent solutions are found, there will be nothing more beautiful and pleasure-making than our life. A must watch the movie with a hard-hitting reality and a heart-melting certainty.

PARASITE (2018) – Korean

Parasite defines a plant that depends on another for its survival. Similarly, this movie depicts two families – a wealthy family and an impoverished family, that cleverly made its entire family members enter into the wealthy family and started earning. This movie was a thought-provoking one that portrayed its view on class discrimination

This movie includes mostly all genres like romance, comedy, mystery, crime, thriller, drama, horror, tragedy. It is tough to find a film that has all the types. It expressed the realistic view of each class of people, their day-to-day life, their mindset, their energy to do anything, their aim to achieve it. Many class discrimination films are there, but this remains the best among the best. Only excellent and worth watching a movie.

The movies, as mentioned earlier, are fantastic and are of different genres irrelevant to each other. Every film is meant to relax our mind and should give us a good impact, which may sometimes be a thought-provoking one. And so, I would like to conclude by saying. These will help you to manage your boredom as well as satisfy your expectations.

Safe quarantine!

How to Properly Clean the Inside of Your Car

April 2020 was met with reports that Covid-19 has infected more than one million people across the world, so it’s becoming increasingly important to follow government guidelines and stay at home, apart from when going shopping for basic necessities. If we’re driving to the shops or are classed as an essential worker and must drive to work, some of us are still using our cars and the need for good hygiene has never been more important.

You may be washing your hands when you get back home, but have you ever considered how you could be contaminating the interior of your car? According to research, cars are dirtier than we realise, with the average car harbouring over 3,862 units of bacteria per square inch — that’s a lot! In simpler terms, that’s 19 times more bacteria than the average toilet seat.

To make sure we’re doing our bit and keeping our personal spaces safe and clean to reduce the chances of spreading germs, here, we’ll discuss how to easily, and properly, clean the inside of your vehicle, whether it’s a new or used car.

1.      Wear appropriate clothing

Firstly, before cleaning, make sure you’ve got protecting clothing on. This can include rubber gloves and an apron to keep yourself safe from potential germs.

2.      Hoover and remove all rubbish

Start as you normally would and hoover all the dirt and hairs from the interior of your car, including the corners of your mats. Remove your mats and soak them in a tub of hot water and detergent or soap that is mixed well. Leave for around 30 minutes before removing to dry. Don’t forget about your boot — this is where most foreign objects such as shopping and shopping bags will be placed, and these could have germs on.

3.      Clean every surface

Wipe all surfaces with a damp rag to avoid spreading excess grunge to other areas.

Clean and prioritise areas that are frequently touched by yourself or passengers, including door handles both inside and out of the car, the steering wheel, seatbelts and seatbelt holders, buttons and dials on the dashboard, the ignition button, the gearstick, arm rests, window switches, the handbrake, and your keys, then work your way through the rest of the car including seats and general surfaces. According to research, the steering wheel harbours more germs than we’d think, with the steering wheel being home to hundreds of units of bacteria. Even in the event where we aren’t faced with a pandemic, it sounds like we should be keeping on top of this anyway!

Shop bought cleaner

Clean your surfaces with interior car cleaner. Autoglym Interior Shampoo is a top cleaning product that can be used anywhere, on both the outside and inside the cabin of your car, including from the steering wheel, to the grill, to upholstery — apart from leather. If you have leather upholstery, we recommend a specialist leather cleaner.

Make your own cleaner with household products

If you’re struggling to find cleaning products at your local store at the moment, you can make your own car cleaner with equal parts water and white vinegar. For carpet and upholstery stain remover, mix white vinegar and baking soda to form a paste and scrub this off with a toothbrush, vacuuming up when the stain is gone. If you don’t have vinegar or have ran out, soap and water will work fine, just be careful not to use too much water and be cautious around electrics. However, for window cleaner, spray vinegar onto your windows before leaving to sit for a few minutes and wipe dry with a piece of newspaper. Check what materials are in your car and what is appropriate — if unsure, contact the manufacturer or research online.

4.      Disinfect your car

Take an alcohol-based disinfectant and a sponge and rub down the inside of your car, focusing on the previously mentioned most touched parts. If you don’t have an alcohol-based disinfectant, you can use a bleach-free household disinfectant.

Avoid using peroxide, bleach-based cleaners, and ammonia, as although they’re effective in killing germs, they can damage vinyl and plastic, with risk of discolouring your car. If on seatbelt material, bleach can weaken the fabric and put yourself or your passengers at risk. Refrain from spraying glass cleaner on displays as this can damage the anti-glare coatings.

Wash your hands before re-entering your vehicle. You don’t want to deep clean your car, only to bring in new germs.

5 Secrets to Increase Employee Engagement With Technology

Employee Engagement is one of the modern concepts of management. It focuses on engaging the employees with their job to increase their commitment to the work thus enhancing productivity. An employee who is engaged or involved with the job would be more committed to achieving goals. This enhances productivity and is beneficial for the organization. Employee engagement not only improves productivity but it also leads to increased loyalty to the organization. This ensures retention and reduces attrition.

Organizations from various sectors have realized the importance of employee engagement. They have understood the role it plays in motivating employees and improve morale. Organizations are implementing different kinds of strategies to increase employee engagement. Technology can be very helpful in this. Technology offers various tools that can be helpful in increasing employee engagement.

The following are 5 secrets that an organization can follow to use technology in the most effective way to enhance employee engagement.

1) Use the right technology

Technology solutions are available today in almost every area of work. It is important to select the right technology for employee engagement. The tools that are selected must be apt for the organization and the employee’s needs. Some of the considerations here are:

  • The tool must be simple and easy to use.
  • It should have a user-friendly interface suitable for all employees to use, even non-technical staff.
  • Where required, training should be provided on how to use the tool.
  • The tool must be available for use on laptops/desktops, and through mobile apps. This ensures that the tool can be used anywhere.

Some of the areas for which tools are needed include:

  • Instant messaging and text chat.
  • Video chat and video calling.
  • Text messaging for instant information exchange.
  • File sharing.
  • Collaboration software, including shared whiteboards.
  • Project management and related tools to manage work schedules.
  • Timesheet tools to record activities and time taken.
  • Intranet with an internal wiki or knowledge base to share resources.

Using the right tools for all these areas can help to keep employees engaged. The tools would ensure that employees stay focused on the job and get the help needed for their work. Use of these tools will have a direct impact on productivity.

2) Recognize Efforts

Employees work hard to complete tasks. They work with the aim of achieving their personal goals, as well as the organization’s goals. It is important to recognize the efforts put in by employees. Recognition plays an important role in employee engagement. An employee whose work is recognized and appreciated would feel motivated to achieve more. Technology can play a part in this.

Engagement apps or whiteboard sharing tools can be used to recognize achievements of employees. This recognition should not be limited to an e-mail to the employee but must be known throughout the organization. Notifying the entire organization of the achievers for the week/month is a good way to engage with employees.

The employee whose achievements are published is not only satisfied but will strive to achieve more. Other employees would also work with the intention of being recognized. Employee of the week/month can be identified and the results shared with everyone.

3) Implement a Reward system

Recognition and praising an employee for his/her achievements is a good motivating factor. Recognition by itself may not help as a long-term strategy. The recognition needs to be accompanied by a reward. A reward acts as a greater motivating factor to achieve goals. While monetary rewards like incentives and bonuses are helpful, there are many other ways in which an effective reward system can be created to reward achievers.

Apart from financial rewards, other rewards that can be offered to achievers include:

  • Paid leave.
  • Paid vacation.
  • Tickets to the cinema or a show.
  • Paid lunch/dinner.
  • Vouchers to use to make purchases at a store or online.
  • Discount coupons to purchase a product.
  • Surprise gifts.

These rewards can be offered based on work achievement. Technology can be used here effectively. Depending on goals achieved, an employee can be awarded points. An app or tool can be used to keep track of points scored by employees. The reward system planned needs to be transparent.

Whenever an employee accumulates a certain number of points, he/she should have the option to redeem it. A tool can be used where the employee selects the reward of his/her choice depending on the points obtained. This is a great way to keep employees motivated. A well-designed and implemented reward system can help increase employee engagement.

4) Use Training to improve engagement

Training can be a powerful way of improving engagement. Training is essential to be aware of latest technologies and industry trends. Training is also needed to understand about a new product an organization has launched or to understand new systems being implemented. Training helps an employee gain skills needed to achieve goals.

When training is implemented in an organized and effective way, it can be very helpful in ensuring employee engagement. An employee whose training needs are identified and who receives the right training would feel more engaged with his/her work. The employee is more confident and can achieve greater results thanks to the training.

The process of identifying training needs and the training process itself can be delivered using technology. Online tools are available to provide training. Employees can get trained using apps on their mobile phones. This makes the process of training more accessible and allows the employee to learn at his/her convenience and pace.

The concept of bite-sized training is effective in training delivery. Small modules of 10-15 minutes are more effective than hours of training. Multiple bite-sized training modules can be delivered using technology. This will prove to be very effective in employee engagement.

5) Measure the effectiveness of engagement

Technology can be used to improve employee engagement. An organization can use any of the above methods to do this. It is important for the organization to know whether the methods being applied are yielding results or not. The effectiveness of employee engagement needs to be gauged. Technology can be helpful here.

The success of employee engagement strategies needs to be measured frequently. This will help in understand if employees are really engagedwith their work or not. It will help the organization to understand the success rates of their strategies. They can use this to fine-tune strategies to enhance employee engagement.

Some of the ways in which technology can be used to measure engagement effectiveness are:

  1. Conducting employee surveys to understand how happy they are with the engagement measures. These surveys can be conducted online or through the mobile phone through apps or text messages.
  2. Feedback can be formally taken from employees periodically. The feedback can be used to identify employee expectations. The feedback can be administered using apps or other such tools. The information from this feedback can be analyzed using tools to understand how engaged employees are.
  3. Instant feedback through text messaging/instant messaging can help get quick feedback on measures.

The 5 secrets listed in this article can easily be implemented by organizations. Technology plays an important role in increasing employee engagement. Organizations can easily make use of technology to improve employee engagement. This will help them achieve improvement in productivity and employee retention.

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