Piers Day, an award-winning mental health coach who specialises in supporting teens, adults, and parents, has expressed strong support for Labour’s recently launched Child Health Action Plan.

This political initiative outlines a comprehensive strategy to tackle critical issues impacting children’s health and wellbeing, with a focus on integrating mental health support, improving dental care, and preventing childhood obesity.

The significant investment proposed in the plan highlights the urgent need to address the severe mental health crisis that has arisen among teenagers following the COVID-19 pandemic.

Data from the Office for National Statistics shows a 35% increase in mental health issues among children and young people since the pandemic began, with significant rises in conditions such as anxiety and depression. This underscores an epidemic that requires immediate and effective intervention. The plan’s commitment to providing specialist mental health support within schools and establishing preventative mental health hubs is a crucial step towards addressing this growing crisis.

The importance of financial investment in these areas cannot be underestimated. The funding strategy, which includes measures like closing tax loopholes and cracking down on tax evasion, ensures that resources are directed towards essential services rather than lost to financial avoidance. This approach aligns with the broader need for systemic changes in how mental health support is funded and delivered.

The proposed transformation of NHS services to enhance accessibility and efficiency is also essential. By expanding preventative care and increasing the availability of mental health resources, the plan aims to alleviate the pressure on existing services and address the root causes of mental health issues among children. The establishment of Young Futures hubs and the recruitment of trained mental health professionals will provide a crucial support network for young people, helping to mitigate the long-term effects of the pandemic on their mental health. Current statistics from the Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition indicate that over 40% of young people wait more than a year for appropriate mental health services, further underscoring the need for reform.

Additionally, the plan’s focus on eliminating dental deserts and improving oral health through increased appointments and supervised tooth brushing initiatives is a commendable effort to tackle broader health issues that often intersect with mental health. Similarly, the initiative to curb childhood obesity through stricter regulations on junk food advertising and the introduction of breakfast clubs demonstrates a holistic approach to improving child health.

Piers Day, founder of Piers Day Coaching, stated: “As someone deeply involved in supporting young people through stress and anxiety, I am profoundly heartened by Labour’s Child Health Action Plan. It is clear that the plan is not only designed to address the urgent, immediate needs of children grappling with mental health issues but also takes a thoughtful and proactive approach to long-term prevention and support. This dual focus on urgent care and sustainable solutions is exactly what we need to tackle the growing mental health crisis among our teenagers.”

Visit www.piersday.com to explore the various support options available through Piers Day Coaching.