We are all aware of the current global climate crisis and this is not one of those situations that only affects others; we all live on this beautiful blue planet and every single human being has a duty to do what they can to reduce their carbon footprint.

In this short article, we take a look at how you can become an eco-friendly homeowner by installing a solar energy system.

How does a solar energy system work?

The cutting-edge solar panels used today by a top-rated solar company can harvest electricity even on cloudy days; the panels send the energy through the inverter and the electricity is then stored in lithium-ion batteries, ready for use. The system components are designed with residential properties in mind and once the system is in place, aside from the solar panels, you would hardly know it is there.

Central interface

You have a central interface, from where you can control and monitor the system; you are able to tilt panels to get maximum coverage, manage energy storage levels and switch from panel to battery use. It makes total sense that you can control the system from the main interface, which is typically inside the home, close to the main electrics box.

Top-rated solar panels

There are numerous brands and indeed types of solar panels; we advise you to buy the best quality solar panels, as they are efficient, durable and long-lasting. When you approach a solar panel supplier, they will show you the different units and explain the pros and cons of each. The best solar panels can even harvest energy on cloudy days, such is the high level of tech and they are extremely durable.

Australian government incentives

You may not be aware that the Australian federal government have set achievable goals to eradicate fossil-fuel burning power stations by the year 2035. They offer interest-free loans and tax concessions for property owners that make the switch to clean and renewable energy. Don’t wait until these concessions are withdrawn; they won’t be on offer forever and the sooner you become part of the solution, the better. Click here for information on the future of solar harvesting.

Designed around your home

No two solar energy systems are the same; the in-house system designer tailors to suit the property; once they know your power needs, they ensure that the system can deliver that amount. Start by making an enquiry with one of the government-approved contractors and they will send an expert to your home and you can discuss things with the designer. He/she will ask many questions and your answers help them to design the ideal system that produces all the power you need.

Be a shining example

When your neighbours see the solar panels being fitted on your roof, they will naturally be curious and are likely to approach you to ask about cost etc. Some people just don’t like to be first and as soon as they see others making the switch, they are keen to follow suit. Imagine if half the street took your example as a sign to start looking at solar energy systems! You could be the catalyst that sets the ball rolling and see the majority of homeowners following your lead.

Long product warranty

When you use a top-rated state-approved solar panel supplier, you are issued with a long warranty on both components and workmanship.

Recoup your investment within 5 years

Such is the pricing today, you can recoup your solar investment in just 5 years; after that, you enjoy free and clean energy and with maintenance, your system is always working to optimum level. Take a look at your current energy bills and that is the kind of savings that you can make, while knowing that you are no longer reliant on the greedy energy corporations, which is a major win.

Take a stand and stop using electricity that is generated through burning fossil fuels; be one of the first in your neighbourhood to do something positive about the climate crisis and enjoy that feeling that comes with knowing you are part of the solution and not the problem. The time is right to make a life-changing decision to disconnect from the national grid, while enjoying government support; choose an established company and they will ensure that your system is designed to produce the energy that you need.