private school for girls

Switzerland is a leader in various education rankings and lists, offering dozens (if not hundreds) of top-quality academic and language programs for international students. The country also ranks highly among the best single-sex schools. Excellent educational courses, outstanding living conditions, and well-rounded development and upbringing are what attract people from all over the world to Switzerland. On our website, you will find the best private boarding schools in Switzerland, along with all the necessary information about the institutions, costs, and the specific features of education for schoolgirls.

Private Boarding Schools for Girls in Switzerland – Why Choose Single-Sex Education?

Single-sex education is a popular approach abroad, where educators design curricula that consider the unique aspects of gender psychology and the specific ways in which girls think and work.

Comfortable Learning Environment

Single-sex education provides an excellent environment for the personal development of schoolgirls—girls feel much more confident among their peers without the pressure of stereotypes. They are not afraid to tackle difficult tasks, take initiative, freely ask questions in class, and become leaders. Girls grow into independent and confident individuals, capable of making responsible decisions and taking risks.

Modern Teaching Methods

The conclusions drawn by scientists form the basis of teaching methods for girls, promoting harmonious development. For example, girls tend to develop language skills faster but may take longer to grasp material in exact sciences, whereas boys may be the opposite. In classroom behavior, girls need time to reflect on a question, while boys tend to be more impulsive and quick to answer.

High Level of Education in Private Schools

Single-sex schools in Switzerland, the UK, the USA, and Canada consistently rank at the top in academic performance on exams such as A-Level, GCSE, and IB.

Well-Rounded Education

Girls have every opportunity to excel in creativity, languages, and the arts, as well as in mathematics, physics, and other exact sciences. In girls’ schools, it is not assumed that all students are necessarily inclined toward the humanities; equal opportunities are provided for developing abilities in both the sciences and the humanities. This approach pays off: statistics show that girls in single-sex schools perform better in mathematics, computer science, and other exact sciences than their counterparts in coeducational settings. Considering that professionals in technical fields often earn more than those in the humanities, this serves as a strong foundation for the future lives of schoolgirls.

Interaction with Other Schools

The best private boarding schools for girls in Switzerland collaborate with other types of schools, organizing a variety of joint events—debates, competitions, school balls, and discos—where girls can interact with students from other schools and gain experience in socializing with the opposite sex.

More Opportunities and Better Preparation for Adult Life

Confidence in their abilities, the lack of fear in making decisions, and the ability to compete lead to graduates of private schools in Switzerland easily gaining admission to leading universities and having a wide range of career opportunities.

Language and Academic Courses in Switzerland: An Overview

High School Programme

The High School Programme (grades 9-12), accredited by CITA (the Commission on International and Trans-Regional Accreditation), meets modern standards. Schoolgirls receive basic knowledge in key subjects from the general school curriculum (languages, mathematics, physics, European history, mathematical analysis, global issues, etc.). Students are required to choose elective classes from an extensive list (salsa, cooking, drawing, drafting, photography, pastry-making, beauty lessons, ceramics, art history, business courses, and much more).


This course covers grades 9-10 (incomplete secondary education based on the British educational model). The course features high intensity, international accreditation, instruction in English, mandatory subjects (English language, foreign language, biology, mathematics, and physics), and electives (English literature, art, music, geography, etc.).

A-LEVEL – The Gold Standard of British Education

The A-Level course, following the British educational model, is taken after GCSE (grades 12-13). In the first year, students study four priority subjects, and in the second year, only three. The knowledge gained in this course is so deep that the A-Level certificate is equivalent to entrance exams at many universities. The course is specifically designed to prepare students for university studies and to teach specialized subjects at the university level.

Academic English

Intensive courses in mastering academic English, learning the nuances of writing research papers, and preparing for one of the international language tests.

International Foundation

The International Foundation course is essential for those planning to continue their education abroad. Students can refresh their knowledge of relevant subjects, improve their language skills, and adapt to foreign academic conditions.

French/English/Italian/German Language Courses + Leisure (Summer-Winter-Spring-Autumn)

This is an excellent option for teenagers during the summer: the organizers and teachers ensure both quality relaxation and effective language learning. The program includes sports activities, entertainment, and sightseeing. Each lesson lasts 45 minutes, with engaging and interactive content (movie watching, singing, reading the press, etc.). Students learn in small groups of up to 12 people.

International Etiquette and Protocol

This linguistically strong course can be taken in English or French, or bilingually. It includes subjects such as European etiquette, business etiquette, international etiquette for private and business meetings, table etiquette and table setting, the art of flower arranging, and table decoration. Girls can choose from a wide range of elective courses, including baking, ballroom dancing, winemaking, fine arts, PR, and more.

Private Schools in Switzerland for Schoolgirls: Admission, Accommodation, and Education Features

Most programs for girls involve accommodation in private boarding schools in Switzerland, which are beautifully located—on ski resorts or the shores of Lake Geneva—with stunning views. Girls live in eco-friendly environments in cozy rooms with all amenities, typically shared by 2-3 students. Meals are provided on a full-board basis, offering Mediterranean, French, Japanese, and Mexican cuisine. Students have extensive leisure opportunities, including water sports, horseback riding, skiing, snowboarding, fitness, yoga, stretching, aerobics, and tennis.