Micro frontend architecture has become a popular approach to building scalable and maintainable web applications. By breaking down a monolithic frontend into smaller, more manageable pieces, micro frontends offer increased flexibility and autonomy for development teams. However, this architectural style also presents unique challenges, particularly when it comes to maintaining a consistent user experience across multiple micro frontends. 

This article looks into the best practices for ensuring cohesion and consistency in micro frontend implementations, with a focus on design systems, shared components, and state management.

How to ensure a cohesive and consistent user experience across multiple micro frontends

Implementing a micro frontend architecture doesn’t mean sacrificing user experience. In fact, with the right approach, it can enhance it. Here are key strategies to maintain consistency:

  • Establish a unified design system. Create a shared set of design principles, guidelines, and assets that all micro frontends adhere to.
  • Implement a component library. Develop a library of reusable UI components that can be shared across all micro frontends.
  • Standardize naming conventions. Use consistent naming for routes, events, and data structures across all micro frontends.
  • Centralize configuration management. Maintain a central repository for shared configurations to ensure consistency in settings and environment variables.
  • Implement cross-team communication. Foster regular communication between teams working on different micro frontends to align on user experience goals.
  • Conduct regular UX audits. Perform periodic reviews to ensure all micro frontends maintain consistent user experience standards.
  • Create comprehensive documentation. Maintain detailed documentation on design patterns, component usage, and best practices accessible to all teams.
  • Implement automated testing. Use end-to-end testing tools to verify consistency across micro frontends.
  • Establish a governance model. Create a cross-functional team responsible for maintaining overall consistency and resolving conflicts.
  • Use feature flags for gradual rollouts. Implement feature toggles to gradually introduce new features across micro frontends, ensuring a smooth transition.

By using these strategies, organizations can harness the power of micro frontend architecture while maintaining a seamless user experience.

Techniques for sharing design systems, UI components, and state management

Sharing resources effectively is crucial in a micro frontend architecture. Here are some techniques to consider:

Sharing design systems

  • Create a centralized design token repository. Maintain a single source of truth for colors, typography, spacing, and other design elements.
  • Use a design system platform. Leverage tools like Storybook or Zeroheight to document and share design system components.
  • Implement versioning for design systems. Use semantic versioning to manage updates and ensure backward compatibility.
  • Automate design system updates. Implement CI/CD pipelines to automatically update design system changes across all micro frontends.
  • Conduct regular design system reviews. Hold cross-team meetings to discuss and approve changes to the shared design system.

Sharing UI components

  • Develop a shared component library. Create a separate package of reusable UI components that can be imported into each micro frontend.
  • Use web components. Leverage web components to create encapsulated, reusable UI elements that work across different frameworks.
  • Implement a monorepo structure. Use a monorepo to manage shared components alongside individual micro frontends for easier versioning and updates.
  • Create a component marketplace. Develop an internal marketplace where teams can publish, discover, and consume shared components.
  • Standardize component APIs. Establish consistent patterns for component props, events, and lifecycle methods across all shared components.

Sharing state management

  • Implement a centralized state management solution. Use tools like Redux or MobX to manage global state across micro frontends.
  • Use event-driven architecture. Leverage custom events or a publish-subscribe pattern to communicate state changes between micro frontends.
  • Implement local storage or session storage. Use browser storage mechanisms to share state information across micro frontends.
  • Leverage server-side state management. Use server-side rendering or edge computing to manage and distribute state across micro frontends.
  • Implement state synchronization mechanisms. Develop custom solutions to keep the state in sync across different micro frontends, especially for real-time applications.

By effectively sharing design systems, UI components, and state management, organizations can create a cohesive user experience across their micro frontend architecture. 

Tools and frameworks that support consistency in micro frontend architecture

Several tools and frameworks have emerged to support the implementation of consistent micro frontend architectures:

  • Single-spa. A JavaScript framework for front-end microservices that allows you to use multiple frameworks in a single page application.
  • Webpack Module Federation. A Webpack 5 feature that enables the sharing of modules and dependencies across multiple independent builds.
  • Nx. A set of extensible dev tools for monorepos, which helps manage micro frontends in a single repository.
  • Bit. A platform for component-driven development, allowing teams to share, discover, and collaborate on UI components.
  • Piral. A framework for next-generation portals, supporting micro frontends out of the box.
  • Qiankun. A complete micro frontend solution based on single-spa.
  • Luigi. An open source micro frontend framework that helps create a consistent user experience across a large-scale application.
  • Frint.js. A modular JavaScript framework for building scalable and reactive applications.
  • Open Components. A framework for developing and deploying micro frontends at any scale.
  • Mosaic. A micro frontend orchestrator that enables teams to build modular front-end applications.

These tools provide various approaches to implementing micro frontend architecture, from full-fledged frameworks to focused solutions for specific aspects like module federation or component sharing. The choice of tool depends on the specific needs of the project and the existing technology stack.

A seasoned software development company like Euristiq possesses extensive expertise in utilizing these technologies and can assist organizations in selecting and implementing the most suitable frameworks for their micro frontend projects. Their proficiency ensures that the chosen solutions align with the organization’s objectives and foster a consistent user experience across all micro frontends.


Micro frontend architecture offers significant benefits in terms of scalability, maintainability, and team autonomy. However, these advantages must be balanced with the need for a consistent and cohesive user experience. By implementing best practices for sharing design systems, UI components, and state management, organizations can harness the power of micro frontends without sacrificing user experience.

The key to success lies in establishing strong foundations through unified design systems, shared component libraries, and effective state management strategies. Coupled with the right tools and frameworks, these practices enable teams to work independently while contributing to a seamless overall user experience.

As the adoption of micro frontend architecture continues to grow, the importance of maintaining consistency across these distributed systems becomes increasingly crucial. Organizations must invest in the right processes, tools, and expertise to ensure their micro frontend implementations deliver on the promise of flexibility without compromising user experience.

For organizations looking to implement or optimize their micro frontend architecture, partnering with experienced software development firms like Euristiq can provide valuable insights and support. Their seasoned professionals can help navigate the complexities of micro frontend development, ensuring that your applications are not only technically sound but also deliver a consistent and engaging user experience.