Glamhairartist Emre Bardan is launching a social media initiative aimed at raising awareness of underreported violence and the narratives that often remain in the shadows.

The ‘FREEEMREBARDENMOVEMENT’ takes a firm stand against abuse, seeking to raise awareness about the often-overlooked stories surrounding addiction, assault, and domestic abuse. The movement shines a light on the violence and struggles that frequently go unheard, while also aiming to create safe spaces for individuals to share their stories and find support within their communities.

Once silenced by his own battles with addiction and trauma, Emre Bardan has now reclaimed his life after a four-year period of self-reflection, healing, and recovery from abuse and addiction. His journey, which mirrors the struggles faced by many but voiced by few, drives his ambition to inspire both aspiring hairstylists and individuals grappling with their challenges to seek help. Through his advocacy, he encourages others to pursue their dreams without fear or stigma.

Recently, Bardan has opened up about his mental health struggles. By sharing his story, he hopes to create a supportive community where individuals can openly discuss their challenges and seek help without fear of judgement.

“Living with the stigma of addiction can be a lonely journey,” Emre Bardan said. “I am overcoming these challenges head-on with a fabulous support system. I am speaking up to help those with similar struggles who have often been overlooked.”

According to the United Kingdom’s Office for National Statistics, three in every 100 men aged 16 years or older experienced domestic abuse in the last year. The Crime Survey for England and Wales reported that 751,000 men were victims of domestic abuse in 2023.

In 2022, The National Centre for Domestic Violence reported that 1 in 5 adults experience domestic violence in their lifetime. This statistic translates to 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6-7 men, with domestic abuse remaining a largely hidden crime that often goes unreported to the police.

As part of this initiative, Bardan is actively engaging with his followers on social media platforms to raise awareness of mental health resources and recovery options available to those in need. His commitment to advocacy not only empowers him but also serves as an inspiration to countless others who may feel isolated in their struggles.

“I feel a profound sense of solidarity and support for those with struggles like mine,” Bardan said. “I want them to know that they are not alone.

“I believe I am a good person who has gotten a raw deal. Life is going to change, and I will keep going. I want to help others do the same.”

The movement calls on everyone to come together and work towards creating a more inclusive environment for discussions on mental health and personal recovery journeys.

“Together, we can break the silence surrounding these critical issues and support one another in healing,” Bardan added. “Never forget social media is not what it looks like; no one knows what is going on behind the scenes of all the chaos life needs to deal with globally.”