M367 pill is a prescribed drug that is used in the treatment of moderate to severe pain. As an effective pill when taken correctly, the risks of the M367 pill are present when the pill is taken improperly. Abusing this medication, whether in consuming a higher amount of the medication than prescribed by the doctor, using the medication can cause very dangerous health consequences and can be fatal.

Continue reading to understand more if you are planning to use the M367 pill. You should also be aware of the various risks associated with the drug and when to consult a healthcare provider.

The Risk of Addiction and Dependence

The use of the M367 pill to its ill-effects one of the most serious side effects that come with using this pill is the chance to get addicted to it. Abuse can lead to the person becoming tolerant or addicted to the drug, in which the individual must take the pill to be normal. The M367 pill can influence you by making you become obsessed with the drug. Therefore, you will continue to seek the drug despite the negative consequences on your life and will require the intervention of a doctor to quit.

Respiratory Depression and Overdose

Another dangerous side effect that may result from the improper use of the M367 pill is respiratory depression, which refers to slow, shallow breathing. Hydrocodone, like other opioid pain relievers, slows up the operation of the central nervous system, and this could lead to a fatal occurrence if the individual takes a large amount of the drug. The effects of an overdose include excessive sleepiness, disorientation, and difficulty in breathing.

In the case of an overdose to the extent of the consumption of the M367 pill, you should get urgent medical attention for the management of complications, making this medication appropriate for consumption only if prescribed by a doctor.

Liver Damage from Acetaminophen

The M367 pill also contains acetaminophen, which is a relatively safe drug when taken as per prescription, but it also causes severe liver damage when abused. Acetaminophen, when taken in high doses, can cause the development of acute liver failure, which, if not treated, is likely to cause death. Most pain relievers sold in the market contain acetaminophen.

There is a possibility of liver damage in this case if one takes the M367 pill together with other drugs or substances containing acetaminophen due to overuse or overdosage.


Taking M367 inappropriately comes with disastrous repercussions, which include dependency, loss of breath, overdose, and inflammation of the liver. This medication should only be taken as recommended by the doctor, and a patient should seek assistance if they realize they have developed a dependency on the M367 pill.

Recognizing the dangers connected with the abuse means that you’re able to avoid the consequences that affect your well-being. If you or a family member or friend has a problem concerning misuse, do not hesitate to get help.