Importance of Email Marketing for Authors

Since the advent of Kindle and other self-publishing platforms over a decade back, authors of fiction and non-fiction books have published their own content under their own publishing imprint. Following publication, the most difficult step is the marketing and promotion of self-published material.

While social media and traditional media have their advantages and should form a solid part of any content marketing campaign the use of email marketing agencies is essential to connect directly with an audience, enhance brand awareness, and update your client base of new products and the highs and lows of your writing career.

Creation of a Mailing List.

The creation of a marketing mailing list takes time and patience. In the early days of your career, you might have been reaching out to other professionals in the business. If there is a relationship there between smaller publishers or magazines you may consider including them on your list. Inquiries and emails from readers are gold – make sure these contacts make it onto your list. Email marketing, unlike social media posts, reaches every intended target. Go through all your correspondence and pick out those who you think may benefit from monthly or weekly emails. In an age where digital marketing is evolving and developing some of the more traditional methods like email subscription lists and merchandise, posters, and out-of-home media and proving to be more effective. Email subscription services give you direct access to your audience in a way that other promotional tools such as YouTube do not.

Save Money

One of the biggest perks of email marketing is its unparalleled affordability. Social media advertisements are expensive, with the most thorough campaigns averaging $1,000–$2,000 a month. And those ads have consistently low returns with many authors running a loss month after month. Amazon and Facebook make billions in ad revenue while maintaining the personal information of your customer base. Most email marketing subscription services offer a free plan, but upgrading to a fee-paying structure can help secure your contacts. Many authors have lost their subscription lists after their accounts became deactivated for not upgrading to a fee-paying service. Avoid this happening by keeping a copy of your subs list on a Word or Excel document.


While Email marketing remains one of the most popular ways to raise awareness and convert potential consumers into buying customers the content of your email needs to be engaging, quirky, and open-ended.  These humble messages have the power to turn new subscribers into dedicated fans. As a writer you should be able to entertain an audience within a few sentences – use this skill in your monthly or weekly emails. Provide links and buttons to pay sites, websites, articles, reviews, and YouTube clips.


Finally, there’s no denying the power of personalization and segmentation in an email marketing campaign. These joint tools give email marketing its uniquely human touch. Personalized emails reach consumers on an individual level, while segmented campaigns target specific audiences. Reach out and attract engagement, and most importantly, respond to each and every email message you receive in response to your engaging content.