Can Technology Save You Money on Your Business Water Bills?

As a business owner, you should be always looking for ways to reduce utility costs and increase your profit margins. These days, technology plays a major role in various aspects of your business operations, including your water supply.

Technology can help determine whether or not your water supplier is charging too much for their services and how you can reduce your water consumption.

This article will explore how data analytics is used in the business water industry, and how switching your water supplier can result in major savings.

The Role of Data Analytics in Business Water

Data analytics is transforming business water and wastewater services by helping owners make informed decisions. These analytics are used in water audits and help property owners compare various water suppliers.

Modern technology also forms an essential component of data monitoring systems used by water suppliers and public sector organisations. These systems can provide real-time data for water quantity and usage, which is studied to find opportunities for improvement.

Could Changing Your Water Supplier Save Money?

Switching water providers can save you a significant sum over the long term.

Here are some signs that you should change your water supplier:

  • Your water bill is not an accurate reflection of your water usage.
  • Your business operates from multiple locations and you could benefit from consolidated billing.
  • Your current supplier is not offering you any benefits.
  • Your water bills are constantly increasing for no reason.
  • You are not satisfied with your water quality.
  • You are seeking improved customer service from your water supplier.
  • Your water account is difficult to manage.

If any of the above points apply to your business, you could get a better deal elsewhere. Castle Water is a great option for businesses in the UK looking for a new water company. Not only does Castle Water offer consolidated billing, but it also makes the switching process as simple as possible.

Am I eligible to switch suppliers?

Do you want to get out of your current contract with your water provider? You are eligible to change your business water supplier if:

  • You own your business premises.
  • If you use more than 50 megalitres of water per year (applicable to Welsh businesses only).

Enhancing Business Operations with Regular Water Audits

Investing in a professional water audit for your business premises helps determine:

  • How much water is being used.
  • Areas where water consumption can be reduced
  • Whether or not you have any leaks.
  • If your water meter is working correctly.
  • Water supply details.

A single leak could add hundreds of pounds to your water bill each year, making water audits well worth the cost. In most cases, it is recommended that businesses conduct an audit every year. However, if your business uses high volumes of water, you should get it done more frequently.

If your water audits continue to show discrepancies, it may be worth considering switching your water supplier.

Final Thoughts

Take the time to examine your water rates and your latest water bill to determine whether or not your chosen retailer is the right water supplier for you. You should also look at ways in which you can improve water efficiency and ensure that all employees are on the same page when it comes to saving water.

If you feel as though it is the right decision, do not hesitate to switch suppliers. Not only could you enjoy significant savings, but you could benefit from more streamlined water services, better customer service, and consolidated billing.