In recent times, the foundations of both physics and cosmology have been shaken by groundbreaking research that challenges our long-held beliefs about the universe. A Nature Astronomy paper (Ref.1) asserts, with 99% confidence, that our universe is closed, while another paper (Ref.2) suggests astronomical odds against an open, flat, and infinite universe. These findings have inflicted significant wounds upon the widely accepted Standard Model of Cosmology (SMC), revealing serious shortcomings (Ref.3A) that collectively signal a crisis in the field and the need for a paradigm shift. Major cracks have appeared in the standard model of cosmology.
The current state of physics is not immune to upheaval either, as it rests upon two fundamental pillars: General Relativity (GR) and Quantum Mechanics (QM). The inherent conflict and inconsistency between these two theories (Ref.3B) are publicly acknowledged by physicists themselves (Ref.3C).
Enter Mr. Subhajit Waugh, a physicist at RRCAT, who boldly posits that the incompatibility of Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity may stem from an incorrect model of the universe (4A). He presents an alternative view of the universe’s shape and size (Ref.4B) and advocates for a unifying framework that promises to bridge the divide between these two iconic theories of physics.
Waugh’s proposal centers on an “expanding (hyper) balloon” model of the universe, which, he argues, can lead to a unified understanding of physics and cosmology, coming tantalisingly close to the elusive ‘theory of everything.’ This model draws inspiration from Edwin Hubble’s observation that galaxies recede from Earth at speeds proportionate to their distance. Waugh contends that the analogy of an expanding balloon, which scientists once considered, should not have been discarded. He suggests that the universe’s boundary is comprised of invisible scalar fields and particles, akin to invisible electric and magnetic fields, with stars, planets, and all matter confined within the 3D hypersurface of these fields.
Waugh’s insight underscores the importance of the temporal component in both the FLRW metric and Minkowski metric. He likens the expansion of the universe to the inflation of a party balloon, where two simultaneous phenomena occur: 1) A point on the balloon’s wall moves away from its center along the radial direction, akin to the temporal component of the FLRW metric, representing the passage of time for those within. 2) Nearby points on the balloon’s surface appear to move away from each other as the balloon’s wall expands, mirroring Hubble’s law.
Waugh’s model calculates the Hubble constant, obtaining a value (71.002 km/s/Mpc) in agreement with accepted measurements. He also challenges the conventional concept of a four-dimensional ‘SpaceTime continuum’ (Ref.8), arguing that it’s a major mistake in science. He asserts that this misconception arises from an incomplete understanding of imaginary numbers (Ref.9) and offers a correction that could lead to a paradigm shift in science (Ref.10).
Moreover, Waugh outlines three key steps to overthrow existing scientific theories and presents testable predictions that could revolutionise our understanding of the universe (Ref.11). He anticipates that data from the Euclid telescope will support his assertion that the universe is positively curved, closed, and finite (Ref.12), potentially reshaping the landscape of scientific knowledge.
Intriguingly, Waugh’s ‘expanding (hyper) balloon’ model seamlessly accommodates both Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, offering a compelling alternative to existing theories in physics and cosmology, while challenging the prevailing Standard Model of Cosmology. The possibility of a paradigm shift looms large, and the journey to unravel the true nature of the universe continues.
1) Planck evidence for a closed Universe and a possible crisis for cosmology https://www.nature.com/articles/s41550-019-0906-9
2) Curvature tension: Evidence for a closed universe
3A) A candid assessment of standard cosmology
3B) Relativity versus quantum mechanics: the battle for the universe
3C) World’s largest physics conference in Las Vegas will be grand; but will it be worthwhile?
4A) RRCAT Physicist Proposes New Theory Unifying General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics
4B) We are wrong about the shape and size of our universe: RRCAT Physicist provides a new model of universe.
5) Shape and size of our universe: challenging the Standard Model of Cosmology https://www.researchgate.net/publication/371487379_Shape_and_size_of_our_universe_challenging_the_Standard_Model_of_Cosmology
6) Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity are compatible, and have a common origin: the expanding (hyper) balloon universe
7) Is everything we know about the shape and size of our universe, and how it works, wrong?
8) The biggest mistake in Science: Space and Time do not fuse into SpaceTime continuum.
9) RRCAT Physicist Claims Correct Representation of Imaginary Numbers May Unify General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics
10) Science is standing on shaky mathematical pillars, which guarantees a scientific revolution
11) Scientist Mr. Subhajit Waugh Makes Testable and Falsifiable Predictions that Could Shake up Science to the Core
12) Euclid telescope will revolutionize science, overthrow ruling scientific theories, and usher paradigm shift in science.
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